Blog Posts
Fake calculators are laughable, so why not create my own?
Ah yes, there's always a group of impostors for a calculator. Down to the designs. This classic model from Citizen has been copied by other brands to make their own. But after all, they are just the same. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention interesting impostors of (older generation of) Casio scientific calculators. I mean, look! Well, time to start a new calculator brand, I guess...
Transforming myself, again...
My hands are shifting. Could this be good or bad? An accidental superpower. I decided to work again on Snapchat's Lens Studio and Facebook's Spark AR to improve my current Snapchat filters and port them to Instagram, if possible. Yes, it's that filter that made me look like this: But instead starting designing for the head, I'd really like to improve my supposedly-metallic skin. Initial results from Snapchat's Lens Studio are bad and somewhat laughable. Not to mention that the 3D body tracking is still inaccurate when my hands aren't visible. So I decided to rebuild everything, this time using Spark AR Studio and by using Skin Segmentation. And after tweaking some settings, I ended up being a black, posterized metallic blob who doesn't even have a chance to see his face 😅 Note that the results do differ between devices. Here's what I looked instead when shot from an Android phone: Perfect. Even my hands and chest are united in my amalgamated skin, and everything I wear (except my glasses) retain their own true colors. This is the true Nate I wanted over the past 8 months! Finding a purpose. And of course, THIS. SKIN. IS. AWESOME!!! I can use it for my daily Instagram Stories and even my future YouTube channel! But when I was testing my abilities even further, I accidentally transformed a girl from a table next to me to receive my new digital skin! Oops... Now I'm thinking. can my new skin become blessings for others? Like if, you're in Japan when filming people's faces over Shibuya means dishonesty, or somewhere in the US where you're surrounded with a group of Amish people... Or when you're in the European Union, where taking and uploading photos of young children to Facebook is subject to fines from legal authorities. What if I told you that my skin could be the solution to these problems? Through my new skin, it's difficult for computer algorithms to identify our unique faces, especially when we're blue. Everybody here is safe and encrypted from those pesky data collectors. And say goodbye to acne, freckles, and even screen color differences as we're now perfect and united. 🎭 Encrypted skins and faces for everyone. Well, this means I can use my superpower to help people to hide their own identity in the digital world. Everybody whose are physically close with me will receive my new skin instantly. It's on by default, no matter who you are, and you can't opt out. And of course, yes, you'll return normal shortly after being away from me. I really hope that everyone can, and will benefit from this transformation. As long as I'm safe being blue. I'll always become blue. Don't forget to follow @reinhart1010 on Instagram so you can permanently receive my power once I decided to give it for free 💙
Koperasi Indiehacker Indonesia: Sebuah Proposal
Saya sebelumnya mengumumkan untuk mendirikan perusahaan baru bernama (#_ ). (#_ ) adalah perusahaan Indonesia pertama yang hanya terdiri atas satu manusia dan robot sebagai mayoritas pekerja. Tentunya, masih banyak orang yang menertawakan pengumuman saya: Masa nama perusahaannya (#_ )?\(#_ )/Kebanyakan main Cyberpunk 2077 dan Universal Paperclips ya?Kalau pendirian PT kan minimum 2 orang (kecuali Perseroan Perseorangan per omnibus law), emang yakin bisa tahan sendiri?Pemisahan modal pribadi dan usaha bagaimana nih? Dan ternyata, saya tak sendirian. Ada juga beberapa indiehacker di Indonesia yang sama-sama memiliki keinginan untuk mendirikan perusahaan sendiri, termasuk salah seorang pengguna di situs forum Kenapa saya tanya begini? Karena ada beberapa hipotesis (tanpa dasar valid) dari saya:+ Orang Indonesia cenderung susah keluar uang untuk layanan online (meskipun 3-4 tahun belakangan, nggak juga sih).+ Orang Indonesia (mungkin) kurang percaya kepada sebuah layanan tanpa badan hukum yang sah (PT, CV) apalagi jika layanan tersebut menyasar ke pengguna di area bisnis.Aji Pratama (@atamasite) Karena itu, dengan ini saya menawarkan untuk membangun dan mempelopori sebuah koperasi yang menaungi berbagai indiehacker di Indonesia, termasuk mereka yang baru saja ingin belajar mengembangkan layanan dan aplikasi di masa mudanya. Ya. Koperasi. Mengapa koperasi? Sebelum saya lanjut, saya yakin Anda masih melihat betapa banyaknya koperasi di Indonesia yang berujung di tempat-tempat seperti ini: Sumber: Sumber: Sumber: Ya, ujung-ujungnya jualan di pasar, kios, pujasera (food court), dan sebagainya. Ada pula koperasi yang menyediakan toko sendiri seperti yang dilakukan oleh para mahasiswa UNESA ini: Sumber: Ya, toko-toko dan food court tersebutlah yang menjadi salah satu inspirasi di balik konsep koperasi indiehacker ini. Mereka bahkan sama-sama menggunakan infrastruktur (misal: tempat dagang, mesin EDC, rekening QRIS) yang sama untuk maju bersama. Sekarang, bagaimana jika kita dapat membangun sebuah komunitas usaha yang memiliki fasilitas: Lisensi Apple Developer Account untuk publikasi aplikasi ke App Store?Penyewaan perangkat komputer untuk pengembangan aplikasi, CI/CD, bahkan menjalankan SaaS yang Anda bangun?Integrasi payment gateway bersama sehingga Anda tidak perlu lagi untuk menunggu pendaftaran payment gateway untuk memonetisasi SaaS dan aplikasi Anda?Pendanaan untuk keberlangsungan proyek open source Anda, seperti apa yang telah saya lakukan dalam HAM (tema wiki berbasis Jekyll)? Dan di mana anggotanya dapat lebih berfokus mengembangkan produk-produk baru tanpa harus selalu berurusan dengan urusan legal termasuk pendirian perusahaan, pemisahan modal, sertifikasi Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik (PSE) Kominfo, perpajakan, dan sebagainya. Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung atau bertanya-tanya tentang konsep koperasi ini, Anda dapat menghubungi saya via Twitter (@reinhart1010) atau via email ke [email protected]. Saya optimis gerakan ini dapat membawa perubahan dalam industri aplikasi, SaaS, koperasi, dan bahkan UMKM di Indonesia. Di saat banyak perusahaan besar mendirikan solusi SaaS bagi para UMKM, kita mempelopori gerakan UMKM yang bergerak dalam bidang SaaS. Apalagi, jika kita sama-sama lebih berfokus untuk keberlangsungan aplikasi dan layanan yang kita kembangkan daripada sekadar menghasilkan uang yang banyak.
Write threads, not codes: Welcome to the Recycled-verse™.

Please stop the Dark Mode Act!

Introducing (#_ )
Hello, world! It has been exactly one year after I purchased the domain which changed my life, forever. To celebrate this, we decided to form a new company dedicated to our journey as humans and robots. Our group has many different great names, from "Hackers and Jackets" to the "Bearers of the Shells" (BOTS). But later, we feel that our company name should be more inclusive, representing Pictogram-Kiloword Derivation Compression Algorithm Our new company name, (#_ ), is set on the foundations of the pictogram-kiloword equivalence theorem, which roughly translates to "a picture is worth a thousand words". Oh, what a popular folklore! Yes, until two researchers created a set of algorithms to compress and decompress text through the use of Markov chains, TensorFlow, Twitter, and emojis. After seeing their amazing work in deciphering one of the society's advancement in human and digital communication, we believe and decided that the best way to name our company is by inputting the curent state of communities representing Indonesian youth, software developers, and the so-called "hackers", into a modified version of the algorithm that outputs kaomojis instead of Unicode-standard emojis. The algorithm originally outputted (#_^), also known as the black-eye kaomoji. Maybe the algorithm knows that we ourselves suffers emotional damage very often as (mostly) Asian deadline-threatened developer, I guess... However, we disliked the output for a little bit as we really wanted our name to show care and optimism. Fortunately, one (#_ )-headed robot dumped the idea to just drop that ^ on the near end. Hence, (#_ ), which that (#_ ) said that the name is somewhat relatable and satisfying, as many ($_ ) and (>_ ) people agree as well. Our company name speaks more than just a set of 5 ASCII characters. In fact, the hash (#) symbol on (#_ ) convey multiple meanings relevant to the current state of the (Indonesian) cyberspace, including: Inclusivity. # is used in C to provide necessary information to the compilers, such as including libraries, pragmas, and aliases. One of the common examples is #include<stdio.h>.Additionally, # is also commonly used to denote a rank or number (e.g. #1 in Japan). So that counts, too!Constructive Engagement. In order to provide a comment on Python, YAML, Bash, and others, a leading # is a must.Oh yeah, # gives your way to your next big marketing hit in social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.Freedom. Users of Linux, Unix, and alike know that # is the most powerful symbol in the terminal-verse. Also coming to the metaverse and multiverse near you.# whoamirootEmpowerment. Since we're already root by default (see the whoami example above), we really want everyone to be root and free. In fact, the name (#_ ) is powerful enough to bring chaos to the Internet society, as well as empowerment to those people to fix the Internet ASAP.At the time of this writing, you cannot search for "(#_ )" on Twitter, so we believe that through our name we can encourage and empower Elon Musk to fix this bad bug appreciate this rootness, especially when other special names including X Æ A-12 are still searchable over Twitter. New staffs, too! To celebrate this anniversary, we decided to introduce some of new staffs working on our house. Alice and Bob, two of the most influential people of the world of cryptography, are making a comeback to join Nix and others in ($_ ). Olivia Green, aka. alt2e and altgr ("alterine of the Great Britain") alt2e is alt1e, perfected. Looks like a refined alt1e and old-school game console straight out from SupaMerge and SCP-914. Now, we believe many of you asked, why aren't they (#_ )? Are they still afraid with mallory? Well, no. Pixel girl. alt1e declared herself as byte-blooded. But alt2e is made out of pixels and polygons. Sure, alt1e can travel through computer networks, and now alt2e loves to travels specifically to video games and metaverse. Better English, now based on the United Kingdom instead of the impostor United States of America.Better default keyboard layout, despite potentially confusing major North American citizens.Better graphics and virtualization, sporting a virtual humanoid face instead of a boring black sphere with green (#_ ) on it. Oh wait, we now can start to beat Lil Miquela and Kizuna A.I. in the virtual content creator business!And greener. She doesn't just love green, she is! She autonomously declared herself as "Olivia Green". What a pointer and somewhat a valid HTML color name she is! Some people have also asked us what would alt2e or even pr0xy be after refined through the same process. We don't have any official answers, though. However, the OG alt1e still exists today, so I can safely say that "no alt1es were being harmed during the process". && you Creating these characters to life requires a lot of effort to make, operate, and maintain. However, we're seeing your great works to power the same vision of us either at @reinhart1010 or (#_ ). So we'll be opening new opportunities to join our team. We'll start with a limited beta to start a new community, preferably over Quora or Twitter. Stay tuned for more details!
Perubahan jam tidur.
Mulai hari ini saya akan menerapkan jadwal tidur biphasic pada pukul: Malam: 22:00 - 02:00 WIBSiang:Opsi A: 07:00 - 11:00 WIBOpsi B: 13:00 - 17:00 WIB Ya, jadwal tidur tersebut tidaklah normal. Namun, saya tidak punya pilihan lain selain memanfaatkan jam-jam tidur saya sebelumnya untuk bekerja secara efektif. Jadwal di atas sudah disesuaikan untuk menghormati periode-periode waktu ini: 00:00 - 01:00 Periode detoksinasi tubuh paling intensif selama waktu tidur08:30 - 11:00 Ibadah Gereja (Minggu)11:00 - 12:00 Pembersihan kamar tidur (Senin, Rabu, Jumat)17:00 - 19:00 Ibadah Gereja (Sabtu)19:00 - 21:00 Monitoring and Evaluation Enrichment Program20:00 - 22:00 Sesi Connect Group (CG) / komunitas sel (Jumat) Sebagai konsekuensi saya sudah tak lagi dapat melakukan kerja pukul 9-5 seperti biasanya. Namun bagi saya hal tersebut tidak terlalu penting. Yang paling penting di sini adalah menghindari banyaknya potensi distraction yang disebabkan oleh faktor eksternal, termasuk: Kelaparan karena makanan siang telat dipesan via GoFood/GrabFood Sesi video conference perkuliahan adik sayaBentakan berkali-kali dari anggota keluarga tentang suatu hal, sehingga saya tak dapat berkonsentrasi menyelesaikan salah satu Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) lalu. Saya tahu bahwa hal-hal tersebut tidak akan selalu muncul pada pukul 2 subuh hingga pukul 5 pagi. Dan jam-jam sunyi tersebutlah yang saya selalu haus dan butuhkan akhir-akhir ini, mengingat bahwa saya sekaligus berkuliah sambil bekerja di industri yang sama. Saya berharap agar jadwal tidur dan kerja tersebut dapat saya lakukan secara konsisten hingga kelulusan saya. Demi produktivitas dan kebaikan kita bersama. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa.
Catatan: Informasi yang disampaikan berikut ini hanya untuk kepentingan profetik, dan bukan merupakan keputusan resmi dari sinode Gereja Mawar Sharon (GMS). 1-100: Indonesia, Timor Leste GMS BangkalanGMS SumenepGMS SerangGMS NusantaraGMS BangkaGMS BelitungGMS TasikmalayaGMS CilacapGMS GorontaloGMS BimaKarawangPurwakartaGMS MojokertoGMS BintaroGMS MartapuraGMS CikupaGMS ParepareGMS BulelengGMS DiliGMS KosambiGMS SentulGMS Banda AcehGMS PadangGMS SingkawangGMS TernateGMS SofifiGMS ManokwariGMS Mimika / TimikaGMS WamenaGMS MeraukeGMS PurwokertoGMS PurbalinggaGMS BlitarGMS Deli SerdangGMS UngaranGMS KetapangGMS EndeGMS BengkuluGMS Tanjung SelorGMS SumbawaGMS Tanjung PinangGMS BanggaiGMS EntikongGMS IndramayuGMS TegalGMS PekalonganGMS LamonganGMS KendalGMS BloraGMS JeparaGMS Probolinggo GMS Banda AcehGMS BanggaiGMS BangkaGMS Bangkalan (Madura)GMS BelitungGMS BengkuluGMS BimaGMS BintaroGMS BlitarGMS BloraGMS BulelengGMS Cikupa (Citra Raya / Suvarna Sutera)GMS CilacapGMS Deli SerdangGMS Ende (NTT)GMS EntikongGMS GorontaloGMS IndramayuGMS JeparaGMS KarawangGMS KendalGMS Ketapang (Kalimantan Barat)GMS Kosambi (PIK 2)GMS LamonganGMS ManokwariGMS MartapuraGMS MentawaiGMS MeraukeGMS Mimika / TimikaGMS MojokertoGMS Nusantara (Ibu Kota Negara / IKN)GMS PadangGMS ParepareGMS PekalonganGMS ProbolinggoGMS PurbalinggaGMS PurwakartaGMS Sentul (Sentul City)GMS SerangGMS SingkawangGMS Sofifi (Kep. Ternate)GMS Sumbawa (NTB)GMS Sumenep (Madura)GMS Tanjung PinangGMS Tanjung SelorGMS TasikmalayaGMS TegalGMS TernateGMS UngaranGMS Wamena 51-55: Singapura ROSC PunggolGMS WoodlandsROSC JurongROSC Bras BasahROSC Tampines ROSC Bras Basah (Little India)ROSC JurongROSC PunggolROSC TampinesROSC Woodlands 56-65: Malaysia GMS Bukit BintangGMS Petaling JayaGMS Shah AlamGMS Johor BahruGMS PutrajayaGMS PenangGMS BentongGMS KuchingGMS Kota KinabaluGMS GombakGMS Seremban GMS BentongGMS Bukit Bintang (Kuala Lumpur)GMS GombakGMS Johor BahruGMS Kota KinabaluGMS KuchingGMS PenangGMS Petaling JayaGMS PutrajayaGMS Selangor 66-100: International GMS AdelaideROSC Abu DhabiROSC Aucklandไม้ดอกหนึ่งที่ชาโรน BangkokROSC BerlinROSC BostonGMS Brisbane샤론의 장미여 BusanGMS CanberraROSC DavaoROSC DelhiROSC DubaiROSC EdinburghROSC Holland沙崙花教會 Hong Kong샤론의 장미여 IncheonROSC IrelandROSC IstanbulROSC TokyoROSC London沙崙花教會 MacaoROSC ManchesterROSC ManilaGMS MelbourneROSC OntarioROSC Orlando / Floridaไม้ดอกหนึ่งที่ชาโรน PattayaGMS PerthROSC Redmond / SeattleROSC San Francisco (California)ROSC Tokyo샤론의 장미여 Seoul沙崙花教會 TaipeiGMS Timor LesteROSC Washington, DC.
Tidying up our email addresses
A bit of history Our email journey starts with a humble Yahoo! Mail email address originally meant for school assignments and transferring files. Note that the grand era of Firefox Send, Google Workspace, and Microsoft 365 wasn't there yet, so sending email attachments was the norm. Sure, that address was then used to sign up to hundreds of new websites, but soon we get a brand new Gmail address and even two Microsoft accounts (Hotmail and Untuk today. We have several unused email addresses originally meant for business purposes, and now another email address from BINUS University. And since we purchased two domains, and, we can literally use MX records to set a custom email address for each of our domains. And subdomains, too. Three leaders. Three main email addresses. So today, we decided introduce these three new email addresses which will serve as the main email addresses for everything, from automated messages to fanmails up to Reinhart's actual email address(es): [email protected]@[email protected] But before that, we originally wanted to write our email addresses this way: (>_)$_) However, these characters are happen to be special characters in the world of internet and email. That means we are all special. But that also means that we can't use those names as email addresses, too! Anyways, we will be further setting up new email aliases and forwards, so you can still send me a message via [email protected] and replied by someone from [email protected]. You can safely assume it's from me or my friends 😉 So yeah that's a quick update. Have a nice day!