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Remember HAM? 🥩
Cover image for Remember HAM? 🥩
Viral-Driven and Virality-Driven Development (VDD).

Viral-Driven Development, even though sounds similar, is quite different than Virality-Driven Development. And when we said about VDD, it's the latter one. We have to write about this in the midst of latest, trending Internet products which just made everything in this world better and worse. Whether it's Shopee with its infamous ads and promotions (e.g. get a $0.99 discount if you've purchased $499 here), TikTok, other shady TikTok clones (like the infamous Shopee Video) and so. But to make things clear, Viral-Driven products are those who are built upon existing trends. But Virality-Driven products are those who are built with intentions to make everything viral and trending, and practically TikTok is one of them. Both kinds of products are highly exploitable, and that's why people To give some examples of Viral-Driven ones, let's start with Linktree. Linktree was not intentionally meant to be viral, instead it tries to solve what's hiddenly infamous and popular on Instagram: the inability to attach (more than one) links under the same account. But the rest of the competitors, like Beacons and Desty and Koji and so on, they are instead Virality-Driven. They already know that Linktree will become a hit in the Instagram space, so they hoped the same kind of fortune by creating clones of Linktree. Gojek is another Viral-Driven product, where they saw opportunities by marrying between three viral things: Jakarta's traffic, (infamous) motorcycle taxi convenience, and specifically those pre-9 and after-5 commuting traffic. Sure, mature competitors like Grab finally compete with them, but remember that during the early years of Gojek, they faced (and eventually won) the competition from smaller, Virality-Driven apps and companies: BlueJek, CyberJek, LadyJek, and others. Sometimes, Virality-Driven product development are not always done by cheap competitors of popular services. And TikTok is just a clear example. TikTok Shop? What!? At a glance they might want to compete with Facebook Marketplace which has become popular in several niches of users. TikTok for Business!?!? What the heck? Now you expect businesses to walk along the same viral path from your days? One of the most non-sensible things TikTok have launched, as a Virality-Driven company, is TikTok Food. Yes, an official food store that sells dishes and snacks as viral on TikTok. Sure, there are still many virality-driven example out there. We're watching you, Shopee. But I think that's for another story.

Seputar Fediverse (Part 1).

Selamat datang di Seputar Fediverse! Di sini, kami akan menunjukkan postingan Fediverse yang layak untuk trending. Mengapa kita bikin serial postingan ini? Ya karena Fediverse ini sama sekali tidak punya recommendation algorithm seperti platform media sosial sebelah. 1. Siapa khayali zawjah favorit Anda? Sumber: Ngomong "waifu" aja harus kearab-araban ya? Tapi beneran, keren banget sih bisa bikin cewe anime seperti ini. Anyway, lanjut ke yang berikutnya! 2. Di saat Twitter mulai memblokir situs Mastodon di setiap Tweet barunya... Full Thread (bahasa Jepang): Beberapa pengguna terlihat kecewa akan hal ini. Kebetulan karena si Elon itu. Namun setelah ditelusuri situs memang sebelumnya tidak dimiliki dari tim pengembang resmi Mastodon dari Mastodon, GmbH. Kami mengetahui bahwa Twitter selalu melakukan pengecekan seperti ini untuk menghindari konten phishing dan malware bertebaran di dalam situsnya, sama layaknya seperti Google Safe Browsing. Tapi dengan adanya isu Elon yang entah menyengajakan hal ini, atau memang ada kesalahan sebelumnya dari situs Twitter, beberapa pengguna menyebut pemblokiran ini sebagai "Free Speech" (kebebasan pendapat) ala Elon Musk. 3. Apakah akan ada bisnis jual follower di Fediverse? Full Thread: Sebagai salah satu operator server Fediverse tersendiri, kita sudah pernah merasakan betapa murah atau mahalnya membuat server tersebut. Sekedar mengutip dari pengumuman kita soal Twitter beberapa hari yang lalu, Daripada sekedar bayar $8/bulan cuman buat bikin satu akun centang biru di Twitter, saya lebih baik bayar $14/bulan ke Niagahoster dan DigitalOcean untuk bikin server Fediverse sendiri. Semua akun auto-centang biru, dan di sini saya bisa hemat $186 tiap bulannya kalau saya punya 25 akun yang centang biru di situ. Kami menanggapinya dengan membuat dua skenario bagaimana si penjual follower ini bisa untung di Fediverse. Yang pertama adalah bikin server sendiri yang isinya follow bot, tapi server-server seperti ini akan sangat mudah dideteksi dan akan cepat diblokir dari server-server lainnya. Dan yang kedua, ajak beberapa pengelola server Fediverse untuk bikin akun follower bot secara distributed dengan tarif yang ditentukan, sehingga menyulitkan operator server lain untuk memblokir pengguna-pengguna palsu ini yang hanya haus memfollow orang lain yang membayar jasa followers tersebut. Meskipun demikian, kami tetap percaya bahwa jumlah follower tidak akan menentukan popularitas Anda di dalam Fediverse. Tidak akan. Yang terjadi justru adalah Fediverse sendiri tidak punya si "algoritma" itu yang sering menyuapi para pengguna dengan konten terkenal dan trending . 4. Perumpamaan tentang humus dan pupuk. Full Thread: Bagaikan humus dan pupuk. Kalau Anda mau buahnya banyak dan proses produksi yang scalable, pakailah pupuk. Tapi kalau Anda masih mau menjaga kesehatan alam secara jangka panjang, jagalah kesuburan tanah berhumus itu. Saya kelupaan satu hal lagi. Bicara soal aturan PSE, konten negatif, moderasi, polisi siber dll. dalam jaringan seperti fediverse ini, saya rasa pemerintah Indonesia akan tetap lebih mendengar mereka yang memakai pupuk karena memang cuannya di situ. Pakai analogi ekonomi pangan secara literal, mayoritas produksi pangan yang dikonsumsi masyarakat dan diekspor adalah produk hasil pupuk-pupuk tersebut. Indonesia lebih banyak punya cadangan devisa karena hasil-hasil pupuk, bukan humus murni. Dan hal yang sama juga berlaku dalam ranah perekonomian digital bangsa. Ini adalah perumpamaan murni dari saya. Sebagai orang yang sebelumnya bekerja di Kenangan saya harus mengakui bahwa Kenangan adalah produk atau buah dari sang pupuk itu. Bahkan jenis pupuknya ada dua: virality-driven social media dan e-commerce. Thread tersebut juga menanggapi salah satu blog post terkini dari Rizaldy yang menyebutkan mengapa Fediverse ini berbeda dari media sosial lain, antara lain: Dari semua sosial media yang gue sebutkan, kebanyakan mereka akan agak memaksa lo untuk bergabung ke platform tersebut jika lo tidak memiliki akun ataupun tidak terautentikasi disana. Silahkan lihat akun acak di Twitter tanpa login, dan tunggu beberapa detik sampai popup "See more Tweets from X. People on Twitter are the first to know" muncul. Rizaldy (2022, 12 November). 1 tahun di 'fediverse' - 5. Fediverse dan politik PSE Lingkup Privat. Full Thread: Kembali ke dalam diskusi yang terkait dengan aturan pemerintah yang satu ini. Saya ingin tegaskan bahwa aturan PSE itu memang lebih berorientasi bagi mereka yang menggunakan pupuk secara massal dan kolektif, terutama perusahaan yang mencari untung dan memiliki SOP yang tegas. Tapi Fediverse ini tumbuh atas humus yang murni, tumbuh dari komunitas-komunitas internet yang tumbuh secara organik dan bahkan tidak memiliki niatan mencari untung. Kebanyakan mereka semua adalah volunteer yang tidak bisa tidur 4 jam saja untuk takedown konten pornografi anak sejak pemberitahuan pemerintah. 6. Tom Scott akhirnya hadir di Mastodon! Well, literally. Sumber: 7. PSA: Username kamu tidak bisa diganti lagi Sumber: Jadi, kalau mau pilih username di Fediverse jangan sembarangan ya! 8. Quotes LDR ala Fediverse. Mungkin suatu saat nanti ada yang bikin toot; 'meski kita beda server, tapi cinta kita tak akan terpisahkan' 🤣 Sumber: 9. Tip Fediverse dari Shiftine. Sumber: Di Twitter, Anda bisa klik bagian mana saja dalam quoted Tweet, komentar, atau bagian atas thread untuk melihat detailnya. Ya, di Mastodon ini juga bisa, namun tidak semua website punya fitur yang sama. Beberapa situs seperti Misskey mewajibkan kamu untuk mengklik tanggal/hari publikasi postingan tersebut untuk lihat secara detail. Kalau ke depannya kamu terbiasa, hal ini tidak akan menjadi hal yang susah kok! 10. Ini Reactions di Misskey/Pleroma, atau Discord? Salah satu keuntungan jadi anak Misskey atau Pleroma adalah custom emoji dan react dengan custom emoji seperti Discord. Ya akhirnya begini deh... Sumber: Sekian Seputar Fediverse untuk kali ini. Jika Anda merasa perlu untuk sharing konten menarik di Fediverse menuju Seputar Fediverse, silakan hubungi Shiftine di @[email protected]. Sampai jumpa di edisi selanjutnya!

Once upon an Unix timestamp, there was a world where we are all robots...

Well that sounds to be a starting point for an amazing science fiction adventure, but no. It's our new name for our Fediverse clan at! We decided to shift the focus from "Bearers of the Shells" (which many people still don't understand what that is) to make it more unique. Kudos for Astrid for the inspiration from her private clan: We wanted to highlight the importance of why you should not create an account here, replacing the generic "this clan is private" message into something more akin to an urban legend: You've just visited interfacing with 𝔸 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕣𝕠𝕓𝕠𝕥𝕤. Don't stay here for too long, or else you'll become one. You have been warned. And I am a robot. Specifically, a robot subsystem running under the operating system of my biological brain.¹ My subsystem has his own sister Shiftine, and we both originally worked for SYSTEM before finally coordinating with SuperUser and even the ever-conflicting root.² As robots, we have the privilege not just to build, but execute all our products and services with love. We are the runners behind most products at ReinhartGroup, including binusmayadown and teropong. This Fediverse server, instance, or clan isn't open for everyone for ethical reasons. We just don't want to involuntarily transform yourself into unique beings who's no longer capable in solving CAPTCHAs. I think that's a wrap of our introduction. That said we still welcome you through ActivityPub streams, messages, and even Webmentions on If those terms sounds foreign for you, don't worry, most Fediverse software already know how to interact with us. From robots with love. ¹ Being a robot each day allows me to understand and communicate well with other robots, too.² Through a good friend of mine, @pr0xy. Well, that's all the announcement. I'm proud to be a robot, too!

No, "Mastodon Gold" is indeed a joke.
Cover image for No, "Mastodon Gold" is indeed a joke.
Updates on how we do Twitter.
Cover image for Updates on how we do Twitter.
WhatsApp Communities vs Telegram's Group Topics
Cover image for WhatsApp Communities vs Telegram's Group Topics
Let's talk about Fediverse clans, shall we?
Cover image for Let's talk about Fediverse clans, shall we?
There's no such thing as true decentralization.

And yes, I'm also talking to those Web3 guys, the Fediverse, and those who still prefer to stick in Web2 CRUD practicists. Decentralization might be your goal, but, philosophically, there wouldn't be decentralization without centralization. Sure, that decentralized vision of Web3 wouldn't come (or catalyzed) by the so-called centralization of the Internet. But the truth is, there are still many NFT, cryptocurrency, as well as Web3 communities who often gathers around Discord, which is clearly a Web2 application, not Web3. Literally all of the Bored Ape Yacht Club's official communication channels are based on Web2, instead of Web3. Actually, there's a great explanation on why these "dreamers of decentralization" decided to go with Discord. No, not from the perspectives of Web3 fans, but all the Web1 fans over the Yesterweb community! Self-hosted/decentralized/open-sourced apps are awesome, but they have two primary problems for community-building: The first problem is two-fold: the level of complexity for both the administrator and the users. The second problem is that many ‘decentralized’ apps in particular have garnered a widespread reputation for hate speech. In many of these spaces (IRC included), “free speech” becomes synonymous with “hate speech”. It’s no surprise that one would be reluctant to associate themselves (especially a community) with that kind of reputation. Why Discord? - And additionally, if you're dealing with Web3 apps, every single post, as recorded on the so-called "blockchain", is expensive. You don't want your fans to lose the hype just because your flaming posts are still waiting for approval inside that long Ethereum transaction queue. So you decided to go with Discord, a well-known Web2 app with millions of users. Their company profile explicitly mentions their intentions to be the center of Internet communities, or even the Internet as a whole. Discord is used by everyone from local hiking clubs, to art communities, to study groups. Discord has millions of people creating places for their friends and communities, talking for upwards of 4 hours per day on the platform. Discord is now where the world talks, hangs out, and builds relationships. Discord lets anyone create a space to find belonging—just like it did for Jason and Stan. About Discord - So you decided to go with Discord, and so, you decided for centralization to jeopardize your decentralization movement. In an alternate universe... Alright, so, what if the future of the web isn't Web3, but Web 3.0? The confusion in naming has recently led Tim Berners-Lee, the original creator of the World Wide Web (WWW), to kindly ask the public to throw Web3 away as his earlier vision of the same-decentralized-energy of Web 3.0 travels the completely different way than the world of blockchains and transactions. And monkeys, too. This movement could also be supported with a few number of initiatives, including the Yesterweb community I've mentioned earlier, IndieWeb, the Fediverse community I've engaged recently and so. But even if we assumed that the world today had been successfully upgraded to Web 3.0, we can still see traces of centralization from two critical things: The centralization of protocols, just like how HTTP dethrone Gopher back then to excel in deliverance of hypertext documents, as well as The (scarier) centralization of Internet infrastructure, whether be it your Internet service providers (ISPs), like, what if 65% of the world's Mastodon servers are actually hosted on AWS or housed on Comcast's residential networks? The true essence of decentralized web can only be done in peer-to-peer contexts, with completely no trust and no control between web peers. If environmental claims against cryptocurrencies are getting stronger each time, well, it's just the beginning. Relying the web into P2P will just make it worse as well as inefficient for people to benefit from the web. My spiritual beliefs. I spiritually agree that decentralization is nothing without centralization. But even more than that, centralization, it is indeed, God's will. I've hold this religious belief from the perspective of a person who recognizes God as one central spiritual deity (which means, no gods or goddesses or so). The reason why those hated "Big Tech" corporations exist is all related to power and greed, abused with the God's almighty powers of centralization. My beliefs have taught me to defeat centralization with centralization, just like an eye for an eye, and a hand for a hand. After all, the world is currently divided into two largest centralized forces and entities: the good, as well as the evil. I believe that God of the good wants the world instead to centralize, but distributed, in sharing His goodness to all of the people. This is why, in all my life, beyond all of the activities of the Internet, I'm getting involved in centralization of people and life, more and more each day. That still does not mean I'll be avoiding all of the Web3 and Web 3.0 buzz for the sake of holiness. But when it comes into debating whether (re)decentralization is necessary for the Internet, well, this is my stance on them. And I'll still support both centralization and decentralization to centralize myself to the good.

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

