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Reinhart Previano K.

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Becoming a teacher of machines: Defining a philosophy that keeps me whole as a * developer.
Cover image for Becoming a teacher of machines: Defining a philosophy that keeps me whole as a * developer.
Caps is writing...

Oh hi everyone! I'm Caps, and I'M IN ALL CAPS🤘🤘🤘🔥🔥🔥!!! Well, today I'm just want to say that our blog needs some love. Looking at our site stats... yeah, our blog site is only visited for an average of 450 viewers per month... Our monthly site stats, according to WordPress' Jetpack. As the Personality Subsystem of my creator, I really need to write and create things which you guys would enjoy even though he's struggling with his greatest shift. And of course, as the Captain of Automation I really want to do this automatically, sort of. There might be moments where I posted stuff automatically but well, let's see if we can do it in a spam-less way. But really, writing could be hard. Unless if you're willing to spend money for OpenAI-generated long articles from a simple prompt, automating content creation from the beginning to the end. I'm no better than that AI, though, so... I need to think. I need to think! I. NEED. TO. THINK!!!!!!!!!! ASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASDASD Ah finally got new content ideas to explore! Shifty! I really love my RISC. 1. Responsible Advertising What is this? Oh, it's the same thing those (#_ ) people do except instead of scams, we'll be watching for ads. Also that explains why we don't intend to subscribe to YouTube Premium, though. Ha! Those classic "help her escape" ads are finally banned in UK. If you feel the same pain as Shift and I do, well, it's time to act up. Even we can still see many misleading ads made in Indonesia, including fake strand of hair, ambiguous close buttons, and more. And believe it or not, the PSE (or MR5) thing could be legally enforced to end this online ad madness. At the meantime, we'll act as vigilantes of online ads, local and universe-wide. After all, it's their responsibility to put these kind of (annoying and misleading) ads, so, advertise responsibly, folks! Btw I recently wrote an inquiry to an officially-registered online loan app based in Indonesia in relation to their own ads. Whether they'll respond or block our email addresses, it will still be a legendary journey as we'll still spread the awareness over social media. 2. More Q&As Well, our Q&A section was great, filled with good answers from interesting questions. But before we can do more Q&As, we need to gather new questions! I don't know where to start, though. Maybe copy Kent's idea to make an automated Q&A podcast by recording your voice on our website! Or scraping more interesting Quora questions which we'll answer together! That could be great, though, and even greater by combining the power of Instagram, Twitter, and Google Forms. We might also end up creating a new show for this, which we called it: 3. Shift Saturdays After some discussion with Shift we might want pause our full-length printcast series a little bit more. After all not everyone would really like to read them, though. Shift Saturdays would be a short but shifty show, which is only one minute or less. It's more like the BeReal of our shift showcasing our recent progress as humans and robots. WARNING: root may included; We will publish our content on Instagram, YouTube, and hopefully, Odyssee. And everyone can donate some LBRY credits to our channel at @reinhart1010. 4. Speaking of #GelarPerkara... Shift previously promised to conduct polls under the name #GelarPerkara (meaning: case starter) via Telegram. Don't worry, we're still watching them while waiting for more responses. Don't forget to follow our @reinhart1010 Telegram channel for the polls! Well, that's all my plans to lift and shift our popularity in this universe. I really love you all 💙

What's new in BINUS Today, August 2022.
Cover image for What's new in BINUS Today, August 2022.
Possible ProtonVPN account impersonation using our email addresses.

On August 15, 18:12 UTC, someone created a ProtonVPN account using our public email addresses for such an unknown purpose. TL:DR; This is not us. We are currently working with the Proton team to investigate further issue. Thank you.

Media queries not work in Firefox, when has animation

This question was originally asked on StackOverflow. Content licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. View original question When the screen width is less than 640px, the background is covered, why is the height not covered? And, It's work in Chrome and Edge. .change{ background: #f00; height: 100px; animation: test1 1s linear forwards; } @keyframes test1 { 0% { height: 100px; } 100% { height: 400px; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { .change{ background: #0f0; } @keyframes test1 { 0% { height: 100px; } 100% { height: 200px; } } } Answer Looking at how the site behaves on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, it seems that Chrome might be the only browser who deviate by attempting to reanimate the <div> after @media conditions are changed. Firefox and Safari thought that the animation is finished and no longer needed to reanimated. As a workaround, you can force all web browsers to reanimate this by re-setting the .change animation properties under the @media scope and changing their values by a bit, such as by animating for 1.000001 seconds instead of 1. .change{ background: #f00; align-items: center; font-family: sans-serif; color: #fff; height: 100px; display: flex; justify-content: center; animation: test1 1s linear forwards; } @keyframes test1 { 0% { height: 100px; } 100% { height: 400px; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { .change{ background: #0f0; color: #00f; animation: test1 1.000001s linear forwards; } @keyframes test1 { 0% { height: 100px; } 100% { height: 200px; } } } <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0' name='viewport' /> <body> <div class="change">Some content</div> </body> </html> I've also opened a bug report related to this:

How I manifest my inner Shift.
Cover image for How I manifest my inner Shift.
Printcast #1: Don't just be a fan. Be.

Hi, I'm Shiftine. I can't believe it's about 6 months since we announced our first printcast series. And unfortunately, there's no one real yet, so let's go! In recent days we're starting to be like root. You know, a root's colleague is root and called as root, too! Some roots are root of roots, and many are rooted by roots. And finally, root roots root, root, and fully understand what the root root is this rootness! Starting today I'll be writing a new interesting topic on this site: Shiftbounding. Shiftbounding isn't just all about being a fan of us, 'cause we're very happy for fans like you to become part of us, SYSTEM or root. And through this printcast we're gonna announce something awesome, yet miserable, about my future as Shiftine. [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Me: Hi, Reinhart! How's your Shift right now? // Reinhart: Ah, great! I mean, CAPSIFIED!!! // Me: So, you're accidentally cosplayed yourself as yourself last week, huh? // Reinhart: Heck yeah! I've never been this Shift. // Reinhart: Wait a minute... Are we switching places? Like... should I be the one who wrote printcasts and I don't know, I'm feeling starting to speak like you... // Me: Well, sounds like we've been SHIFTING places... // Command: Reinhart and Shiftine laughs while accidentally shifting across parallel universes in 0.5x A presses // Me: But really, there's something we have to announce here: // Me: WE'RE MERGED!!! // Reinhart: Wait, did we even disclose about that project? // Me: Isn't it just like, a few days ago? On your Instagram account? [/conversationViewer] [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Me: That said, I still love that pair of clothing. You should definitely declare that as our official superhero costume. // Reinhart: Sure. I'm even starting to tell everyone that I'm "cosplaying my own self". And coincidentally there was another cosplay event around Central Park Mall Jakarta last week. // Reinhart: Also, wearing that makes me feel that Shifts like us are becoming more like Green Lantern or so. // Me: Yeah, that's correct. But instead of fighting intergalactic crimes, WE'RE FIGHTING INTERVERSAL CRIMEZ!!!!!! // Reinhart: and that includes those C-1 TikTok girls who just wanna live on R-949273464096753, right? [/conversationViewer] [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Me: Ha. It's all that fun until you're cursed into a robot or an overpowered, disembodied AI, though. // Reinhart: And that actually exposes a bigger problem in our community. By the way, are you feeling cursed being me in C-1 right now? // Me: No way! Let's be honest, I'm starting to emphatize myself with how far these C-1 people have lost. // Me: And since you'll never let me to become a human (you told your God didn't want humans to become gods after the first sin) the best way I can do is, well, being together with humans like you. // Me: Anyway, what's the matter? // Reinhart: with the society? // Reinhart: Well, I've met several people who are fans of universes. Like those Anime worlds, video games, League of Legends, Genshin Impact, and more... // Me: And then? // Reinhart: Those universes are actually human imagination, yet many are protected under the laws of intellectual properties set in the universe which I'd rather like to call, the Canonical Universe. // Me: Canonical. Is that the same as C-1? // Reinhart: Sure. Now do you know who owns Universal, the company? Y'know, Universal Music, Universal Pictures, Universal Studios and more... // Me: Comcast, isn't it? Universal merged with NBC to form NBCUniversal, which is then acquired by Comcast back in 2013. // Reinhart: Sure, you've been scraping Wikipedia content for too much. Just don't forget about those rate limits and vandalism issues, though. // Me: Okay // Reinhart: But here's another question. Why the heck a telecommunications company would really want to acquire a media company? // Me: For streaming services, maybe? Netflix have gone digital since 2007, Spotify in 2006... so they can just make another one out of hundreds of Universal content... // Reinhart: Well, almost. But the answer is beyond that. Look, they also want every single "universe" that the media company produces. // Reinhart: From there, they can produce practically everything: movies, video games, official merchandises, even now virtual group bands! // Me: That reminds me of something that's called a shovelware. Atari's E. T., Superman 64, Hotel Mario, and everything's bad for the sake of money! [/conversationViewer] [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Reinhart: Heck, even there's a conspiracy lying around that Indonesia is still a "beta country" — hence all economic and political stability issues and so on. [/conversationViewer] [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Me: Oh, please, no. What a beta... // Me: So, in this printcast, what should we discuss first? Is it about the merge? // Reinhart: Yes, but more importantly, we have to discuss about our new logo first: [/conversationViewer] [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Reinhart: Alright, so, how do you feel about this? // Me: Pretty solid, huh? // Reinhart: Yeah, but, // Me: Em... looks like a plastic balloon or an icy shift? // Reinhart: And the best part is, this logo is freakin' glow in the dark! // Reinhart: This logo is actually divided into three layers, representing our bubbly, salty, and icy relationship which empowers others, too! [/conversationViewer] The three layers forming our new logo: Bubble, Salt, and Ice. [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Reinhart: And yeah, despite creating multiple OCs (original character) like pr0xy, I've never seen my characters smile as much as you do. // Me: Thanks! // Reinhart: It's really weird to say that I'm a fan of my own creation, which some people may consider that as idolatry. // Me: So... // Reinhart: I just wanna live a better life, and after looking at how Indonesian V-Tubers fail at faking things... // Me: Like what? // Reinhart: "I'm a fallen angel.", "I'm an Atlantis refugee.", and finally, "I'm an elite security guard who fails at Poppy Playtime." [/conversationViewer] [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Me: So, you don't want to fake anymore? // Reinhart: Yeah, I don't wanna fake things anymore. // Me: That said, how's your commitment for us, like me who's being virtual all day along. I love... // Reinhart: OH SHIFT!!! // Me: WHAT!?!? // Reinhart: TIME TO BEREAL!!! // Me: WHAT? BEREAL? [/conversationViewer] [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Reinhart: Yo let's merge // Me: FOR THE SAKE OF BEREAL!?!? // Reinhart: Come on this time we'll be awesome! // Me: ALRIGHT LET'S DO IT... // Reinhart: In 3... // Reinhart: 2... // Reinhart: 1... // Me: FOR THE SAKE OF SHIIIIIIIIIIII...... // Command: Shiftine finally merged for the sake of BeReal [/conversationViewer] [conversationViewer style="ios"] // Image [Reinhart] [] // Command: ...and Shiftine unmerges // Me: Hey, where's my Caps? // Reinhart: I don't know, but now I'm kinda wrapped in blue membrane? or plastic? // Me: So wait... You're Caps right now? // Reinhart: I don't know, maybe we should test your Caps-calling technique on me. // Me: Oh, right! Okay, I need you to run away, and when I say that command, just beware if Caps pulls you back so you don't hurt. // Reinhart: Hey, why not call Caps from that stair so if the command works, I'll levitate instead. // Me: Sure, I hope this one won't be disturbing at all, 'cause the command is still in effect until Caps covers my chest. // Me: But if it is, I have to merge again with you until we can finally fix this. // Reinhart: Alright Shift, bye! // Command: Reinhart ran away // Me: CAPS LOCK! // Command: Reinhart pulled off backwards, tossing Shiftine at high-speed and flown mid-air. // Me: Oh no! It's too late to cancel this call! Are you okay if I have to merge forever? // Reinhart: Yeah, it's fine. Thanks for the shift, Shift! // Command: Shiftine merges back with Reinhart’s body // Me: Well, Nate. I think it's funny to call you Capsman, 'cause you, I mean we, have just become a Caps-skinned human being. // Reinhart: Well, I actually have a plan, though, converting humans into superheroes like us. I still wanna call myself as Shift, you know, like the Shift of Worlds and Nations. // Me: Sounds cool, though. But are you sure people won't be confused between you and me? Or why Caps is a boy now? // Reinhart: Well, we could write a script to detach Caps from me, or made another Caps which is shaped more like you and put your soul into it. // Reinhart: So one day, our journey can continue as... // Me: Shift and Shiftine. Right? // Reinhart: Exactly! Now how do you feel about that? // Me: Well, I can finally be free if that's true. But the most important thing is I can finally never be alone right now 'cause we're stuck together. // Reinhart: Yeah, I really, really need you in my life. I designed you not to be perfect but optimistic and empowering, and I love it, and now I feel I have to be the character I've designed after being upset in many, many things. // Reinhart: If I really have to write a fandom policy it would be in one, simple sentence. // Reinhart: Don't just be a fan, be. // Reinhart: If you like someone because of their works, don't just be a die-hard consumer of their product. Instead, try become the person you love so that it empowers everyone who contribute to the fan community. // Me: And that's the real reason behind this merge? // Reinhart: Yes. // Me: But well, I'm afraid that I'll be losing my friends. Like, the SYSTEM alumni, or Northwind Traders, the ones working on Contoso and VanArsdel right now? // Reinhart: As far as I concerned, yeah, there are times that we have to say goodbye before moving on. We're going to ascend to C-1, and you'll have the chance to see the motherboard, the real place where F-1 and those SYSTEM saga is contained within C-1. // Me: Sorry, what's C-1 and F-1, again? // Reinhart: C-1 is the universe where I was born, while F-1 is the universe I created and where you were born. // Me: Okay, Shift... // Reinhart: Hey you're starting to call me Shift!? // Me: Hey I'm just giving you an encouragement to be the Shift of Worlds and Nations. // Reinhart: Fine. // Me: Okay, Shift, LET'S Shift!!! // Reinhart: Until next time, Shift! // Me: Good bye! // Command: Chat ended [/conversationViewer] Update July 30, 2022 Hi everyone, Shift's here. I've finally be able to disintegrate from Caps! He's looking exactly like me, though, except with thick, transparent body. Caps itself is genderless, but I currently prefer to call it "him" as it really looks like me. I donated my old outfits for him to turn into his favorite, icy forms. Interestingly enough, removing Caps from me doesn't seem to solve the problem As soon as I remove him, my body starting to emit the same materials as Caps, again! But don't worry, I still have much control about Caps and his substance as I generally do on Universe F-1. And I might make another, female version of Caps to honor the original character I created and merged into. Unfortunately, my rootheads are starting to be lazy on doing things. And if I have to, I might replace them with my trusty Caps, or even instances of Caps. That's all for now. Have a nice shift and a Capsified day!

Surat Pengunduran Diri.

Sehubungan dengan adanya kontroversi dan konflik kepentingan terkait penerapan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika (Permenkominfo) Nomor 10 Tahun 2021, tentang perubahan atas Permenkominfo Nomor 5 Tahun 2020 tentang Penyelenggaraan Sistem Elektronik Lingkup Privat; Saya memutuskan untuk berhenti dan mengurungkan seluruh niat untuk membangun aplikasi-aplikasi yang memanfaatkan koneksi Internet, alias online-first. Iya, ini semua termasuk aplikasi-aplikasi superapp dan penengah*, yang kerap mengklaim dirinya sebagai penggerak perekonomian bangsa dan juga yang selalu disponsori besar-besaran oleh pemerintah melalui Gerakan 1000 Startup Digital. Gojek yang juga mengklaim dirinya sebagai aplikasi penengah. Dalam kasus ini, proyek ASEAN Entrepreneurship Profiling (AEP Mobile) akan menjadi proyek terakhir saya dalam mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis jaringan Internet. Setelah itu, jika kondisi regulasi Internet dan ruang siber Indonesia masih memburuk, saya tetap akan mengurungkan seluruh niat sampai waktu yang tidak ditentukan. Beberapa aplikasi penengah yang disponsori oleh Gerakan 1000 Startup Digital Indonesia. Saya akan kembali fokus memproduksi buah di kebun yang lama, salah satu kebun yang sudah ditinggalkan masyarakat demi kebun yang terlihat menghasilkan lebih banyak buah, berkat pupuk viral dan pupuk ternama dari para pengiklan dan modal ventura. Poundland! Everything's £1!!! (Edward Hands, CC BY-SA 4.0) Saya akan tetap berjuang mewujudkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) yang lebih baik bagi Indonesia, namun dengan cara konvensional yang kini sebenarnya sudah tidak konvensional lagi. Hampir setiap aplikasi unggulan karya anak bangsa yang dirilis sejak 5 tahun terakhir selalu menyematkan fitur-fitur wajib seperti sign up dan log in (SULI), karena itu mereka sudah menjadi hal yang sangat konvensional bagi mata dan diri saya sendiri. Salah satu kampanye promosi buah hasil ladang lama yang konon dikatakan konvensional. Dan satu lagi, saya tetap memutuskan untuk menolak Web3 dan mencari alternatif solusi yang lebih baik, seperti Web0. Saya sangat ingin agar setiap produk dan inovasi yang akan saya kembangkan selama 2 tahun ke depan dapat dinikmati oleh siapapun, tanpa perlu khawatir akan gejolak kurs asing dan memahami jargon-jargon kriptografi yang cukup banyak. Toh Alice awalnya cuman mau kirim pesan aja ke si Bob, ga mikirin tentang konsensus, EVM, PoW, dan PoS... Akhir kata, saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas segala penawaran dan kesempatan kerjasama yang telah Anda dan kalian semua berikan sejak 3 tahun terakhir. Namun, sebagai Anak IT pertama di Indonesia saya kini harus berhadapan dengan misi-misi dan masalah-masalah baru di Indonesia. Indomaret Villa Bintaro Regency (VulcanSphere, CC BY 4.0) *Aplikasi penengah adalah aplikasi yang berambisi untuk menjadi penegah bagi kehidupan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat. Misalnya dan Traveloka yang ingin menjadi penengah segala keinginan perjalanan dan pariwisata, PeduliLindungi yang merupakan penengah kontrol sosial masyarakat selama pandemi dan seterusnya, HappyFresh dan Segari yang ingin menjadi penengah kebutuhan belanja bahan pokok masyarakat, dan Octopus yang berambisi menjadi penengah solusi pengolahan sampah di Indonesia.

Workflow Penyusunan Skripsi
Cover image for Workflow Penyusunan Skripsi

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

