Site and infrastructure updates, January 2023 edition.

January has suddenly become our exciting month of the year, even if we're almost halfway! We have brought substantial upgrades and improvements to our websites!
They're so big that we've narrowed it down into 13 main points. January 13, you know?
- Improved site design!
- "Touching Grass Since 2001"?
- Shiftine's having a new home!
- A year-long of unfulfilled promises.
- Getting Verified on the Fediverse, too!
- Another backup blog post on the rise (for security reasons)!
- New email footers/signatures to kickstart the year!
- Twitter archives for @alterine0101 and @capsinthehouse!
- BINUS Today: More rounded corners!
- BINUS Today: End-of-post recommendations are here!
- BINUS Today: Miscellaneous fixes and improvements.
- Nix: Random posts are here, too!
- And a glimpse of the future...
1. Improved site design!
We decided to ditch pale blue for pure white on our website, to make our site look good in terms of color contrast and when posted to Instagram Stories.

The new site layout also features a more organized way to see each blog posts, authors, dates, categories, and dates. And in the future, we'll let you to see a list of syndicated links, or in other terms, other places (e.g. Medium, LinkedIn) where these posts are also published.

Oh, yeah, you can now also be able to share our posts easily! Instead of organizing them by categories or alphabets, we're categorizing them based on colors!
Let us know if you liked this share button design, as we're currently considering changing the ones on BINUS Today as well. And by the way, support for standard Web Share API is also coming soon.
2. "Touching Grass Since 2001?"
Yep, it's the new blog category dedicated to show our activities in real life. We made this things public on this site because, well, we have done that on Instagram.
Yes, our family had a cyberbullying issue before back in 2019, and that was the main reason I wanted to go public as a (>_ ) instead of my real self.
But years after that we all believe that being transparent and public to people is, in fact, our key to success.
Yes, there's a better family in the real world compared to the fantasy ones. For those who still live in their own worlds, go touch grass. And it seems I have to write a tutorial on it.

3. Shiftine's having a new home!

Wait, what's all the fuss about "Left and Right Shiftine"? We're reactivating our Tumblr account, which you can also check it out on
4. A year-long of unfulfilled promises.
We promised at the end of 2021 to set up PGP keys for digital signatures, primarily Git commits. Although there are some progress to our original plan, including introducing three new email addresses, we ended up not using PGP in 2022.
This year, we decided to publish a new key pair (which you can download our .asc file here) and broadcasted across (ex. Symantec), MIT, OpenPGP, and Ubuntu keyserver directories.
We have also set up our Web Key Directory (WKD) service to make sure that this new public key is #Verified, distinguishable from other randomly-generated keys bearing our same, public email addresses.

And lastly, we will start to roll out #Verified Git commits on public repositories soon. At the meantime, we have set up for more information on our PGP implementation. Cheers!

5. Getting #Verified on the Fediverse, too!

The site now also includes rel="me"
tags to our social media accounts, including the Fediverse. While we can't make it to work well on Misskey (including, you can still find our verified sites on two of our Mastodon accounts, @[email protected] and @[email protected]!
6. Another backup blog post on the rise (for security reasons)!
Introducing, a backup Blogger/Blogspot page to announce some sensitive (mostly cybersecurity) announcements. We decided to do that in case our web servers are hacked, including the ones at Here's a sample of it:

Our announcements will be secured with PGP. Yes, using the same keys we've announced earlier. This is intentional to let everyone be able to verify our announcements even if the contents are not publicly available on our websites (e.g. by email or auto-disappearing Signal messages).
7. New email footers/signatures to kickstart the year!
We always had a tradition to update the email signature messages every year, until when we decided to keep our 2020 - #BersamaKitaMenang #TogetherWeWin signatures on 2021 and 2022.
That's why, our email signatures now include updated tagline and new public contact information which is useful enough to establish our authority as a small business who also dream of building SaaS as Big Tech companies do.
2023 #ApaAdanya
Sent by Reinhart “⬆️ Shift” Previano Koentjoro from [email protected] via reinhart-pc2.
🌐 Website:
💬 SMS, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp: +62 882-0011-38390
💌 Email: [email protected]
📝 Fediverse: @[email protected]
💬 Matrix:
🔐 PGP: 1E9F C7AB / E3F65571B7EC4FBA03A2C5F3EF0DC0801E9FC7AB
8. Twitter archives for @alterine0101 and @capsinthehouse!
Check out for our archived content. Powered by Tweetback, Eleventy, and GitLab Pages, you can now see Twitter archive for these two accounts.

Speaking of BINUS Today...
We have also introduced these new improvements to our site to prepare something even new to them.
9. More rounded corners!

As part of our ongoing effort to modernize the UI, just like the official BINUS Support, we made these card corners even smoother.
10. End-of-post recommendations are here!

We decided to put post recommendations to let people keep reading from favorite publishers at the end of each post. Currently, these recommendations are just random set of posts, and we may invest in adding algorithmic content inside alongside the future-planned post tags as well as RSS, Atom, and Fediverse support.
11. Miscellaneous fixes and improvements.
And of course, we have squished some bugs and refactor some internal components so it won't bloat index.php
with large chunks of code. That includes:
- Instead of "278 days 5 hours ago", the date of posts which are published for more than 30 days will be displayed as regular dates (e.g. January 13, 2021).
- We also fixed the issue when one day is displayed as "1 days".
- Post authors are now clickable to view their profile page.
- "View original page" now links back to the original post URL, no longer displaying an iframe of the aforementioned URL. This is useful for content reporting, as we have investigated back in October and this month.
12. Nix: Random posts are here, too!

Just like the case of BINUS Today, we decided to put random posts on Nix (and newer, updated tldr-pages documentation) to let people and search engines discover random list of pages.
This is also because we currently don't have a proper index page for each of our supported languages.
13. And a glimpse of the future...
We are considering to move most of our third-party blog domains (e.g. Medium, Hashnode, DEV, CodeNewbie, etc.) under the subdomain, while reactivating our GitHub, GitLab, and Codeberg personal pages to showcase some open-source projects. But we're not finished about it yet. Check back soon for more great updates, and as always, back to work.
The future could be exciting or scary. But you know what? We have added a list of our fresh articles, waiting to be published, to keep us posting consistently while keeping the hype of people who are waiting for our interesting posts. It doesn't always have to be all about coding/programming, though, as we have stated earlier.
Just look at the list below for example👇