Important O-Week info: Our website is still undergoing major upgrades. Some of the contents here may be out-of-date.


Reinhart Previano K.

Do you love to Ctrl-K, Ctrl-/, or / ? Now you can do three of them (>_ )!

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Announcing the development of Shiftine, the Content Multiplexing System.

In the coming months, we decided to completely replace 90% of our websites, either powered by: Google Sites HAM (like our digital garden) Odoo (as currently used in Shiftine) T-3000 (our latest source code) into a single, custom-made content management system (CMS) to standardize the look, feel, and features to our websites. Our general purpose is to let future website improvements to be shipped as quick as possible, and to let ourselves build even faster microsites and content, combining the simplicity of text-based content (like Markdown and YAML) with rich-layout editing. What does this mean… For most users Most users will see significant changes to our website appearance, which will become more unifed than ever. And most users should benefit from our official support for older web browsers, from the latest browsers down to KaiOS and Opera Mini. We are also planning to add non-HTTPS mode for WAP browsers, as well as support for Gemini Protocol. Note that in order to continue accessing our site from HTTPS, your browser and/or operating system needs to meet the minimum system requirements for Let's Encrypt ISRG Root X1 to work. Expect new features carried from our main WordPress instance to the non-WordPress ones, such as a dedicated Category and Tag page, all with necessary RSS/Atom feeds. Internally, we would like to completely break up with WordPress. No, not because of the political movements that hit WPEngine over the last months, but to have a state-of-the-art version of Block Editor that allows us to adjust certain content for different protocol targets (which include HTTPS, HTTP/WAP, and Gemini). For users with JavaScript disabled Even though we are interested in adopting a reactive-style as a whole, we do understand the needs of certain users who have JavaScript disabled. And in fact, this is why we decided to remade our website to serve high-quality features even with JavaScript disabled. For the HAM website framework We will still develop and support HAM in the near future, but for our HAM websites like our digital garden, we will introduce two additional features to ease the transition to our Content Multiplexing System: Raw Markdown access in the published site Custom canonical HTML meta tag so search engine would preferably use the links hosted by our new CMS For the fans of Shiftine We want to import some easter eggs that make Shiftine, Shiftine. But for the lore, hmm… it's the moment where she floats over the clouds to send a smiling 200 OK to serve people across worlds and nations.

Establishing electronic signatures for PDF documents.

After months of testing, we will start to notarize PDF files with signatures, with real Electronic Signatures that comply with real Indonesian laws. This means that our signatures, powered by PERURI Certificate Authority, are legally acceptable to replace the use of handwritten signatures without compromising the legal integrity of digital documents. This also means that you can soon verify our signatures, including Electronic Duty Stamps (Meterai Elektronik / e-Meterai) on and In addition to these, we may also produce detached OpenPGP File Signatures which you can verify using our public key at To learn more how we use Electronic Signatures and how you may verify them, visit for further information. Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (PERURI) is a Registered Electronic Certification Provider (PSrE) in the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs of Republic Indonesia.

Penerapan Tanda Tangan Elektronik (TTE) ganda dalam dokumen PDF.

Setelah melewati masa uji coba, maka mulai 20 November 2024, kami resmi memberlakukan penandatanganan dokumen PDF menggunakan Tanda Tangan OpenPGP serta Tanda Tangan Elektronik (TTE) Tersertifikasi sesuai standar Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik (PSrE) Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital Republik Indonesia. Dokumen-dokumen ini akan dapat diverifikasi menggunakan kunci publik (public key) OpenPGP yang tersedia pada, dan untuk penggunaan TTE Tersertifikasi dan Meterai Elektronik, Anda dapat menggunakan situs dan Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang bagaimana kami menerapkan dan bagaimana Anda dapat memverifikasi Tanda Tangan Elektronik, kunjungi Perusahaan Umum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (PERURI) merupakan Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik (PSrE) terdaftar dalam Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital.

Have a Shiftine website!
Cover image for Have a Shiftine website!
WWDC24 is why we don’t let Apple to design our products.

Apple has been the Qibla of product for decades. With the Apple Park as the Mecca, and people flocking to WWDC as its annual pilgrimage for world-class product designers and marketers. The Human Interface Guidelines became their Holy Scripture to define their product, which we don’t. But really. Today, if you want to build a physical product, an app, or even redesign your own website, you may still consult Apple for that. And everyone in the industry just follow the cult that’s full with iMessage and Memojis and the love of the Apple typeface since 2015 as well as its well-known open-source counterfeit. Who knows that great apps like Linear and Arc, which neither made by Apple, Inc., are initially, exclusively, made for the Mac? These, and other tools marketed as the de facto of “modern, intuitive, and practical apps for desktop and mobile,” put their product screenshots front and center, that based on nothing more than the macOS or iOS version of their apps. We tend to forget that a handful of “productivity” tools that we may use today: 1Password,, Notion, Zoom, yet the lesser-known ones like Spark Mail and Shortwave, still presents those iPhone, iPad, or Mac-based screenshots even though you’re not browsing on one (these screenshots are taken from Firefox on Android): So, is this a coincidence? No, it has been a public secret. Most designers behind your apps already expect you to have a Mac, iPhone, or an iPad for the best experience. In most cases, it’s not because the companies are lazy enough to adjust the screenshots to match people’s current operating systems. No, it’s just styled that way to look aesthetically beautiful… on a Mac or iPhone. But Windows is a Recycle Bin. Beyond apps, there’s also real products that are either modeled like Apple, or presented in a way that has ever popularized by the company. For example, this rabbit r1 thing looks familiar… Oh, right! It’s the iPhone 7! Or how about these colorful assortments of Analogue Pocket? There’s a bit reference to the famous iMac G3 commercial featuring colors arranged in a circle. 2024: The ugliest year of Apple? Now, this year’s Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC24) annual event pilgrimage was met with disappointments because of some questionable things the company has done with iOS and iPadOS 18. Take iOS 18. The new Control Center with slightly inconsistent choice of button shapes and weird navigations? The dark mode app icons that brings out those early Jailbreak nostalgia? The new customizable app icon colors that works just bad for most colors (compare that with Samsung’s One UI)? The useless new layout of the Photos app? Like, how would you really like this, vampire-worthy theme? A decade before, I can still sense the disappointment people had when Apple announced iOS 7. It was a major visual design change than iOS 6 that angered almost everybody. But this time, those new app icon colors are just minor; you can still disable the ugly thing. I believe the redesigned Mail app makes it awesome to combat the numbness of Gmail, who previously pioneered the distinct email folders to filter out important and unimportant stuff. Some negative things I do agree include the Photos app, making it feel more alien than those other Android phone makers’ version of Gallery app. Despite all of this, I just love the fact that some fanboys became disappointed by what Apple products has become. It reminds me to stop following trends just because they have a significant wealth and market share in the international community. These kinds of people took the Human Interface Guidelines as their way of life without thinking that one day their own apps would have been Sherlocked.

Site and Infrastructure updates, September 2024 edition.

Hello, world! We’re currently in the middle of something great, and we can’t wait to finally tell about that. And at the meantime, here’s what’s new and improved in our website. 1. We’re making (https://) What could that really be? Reinhart personally wanted to relocate our fandom from to, stuffed with command-line easter eggs that fits with our new website name (.sh is also a file extension for shell scripts). But we still need a lot of time to finally ship that to you. Well, queue and jump in to the happiest website that (we’ve) ever shipped! 2. We’re also remaking our color palette website. Our color palette website is currently being rewritten from scratch, this time using Remix and Cloudflare Pages. We’re almost done with Codepen who have helped hosted our color palette website for almost two years, and had blocked our login attempts for months due to a then-ongoing DDoS issue. And we’re rebuilding our codebase to be able to export our color scheme into a number of apps and design systems. That would make us easier to make and share our custom themes for your favorite apps, from Firefox to Visual Studio Code. 3. We’ve upgraded our website to Laravel 11. This is nothing exciting for most people, but hey, we’re still taking care of updating our website libraries for the better. 4. We fixed a Dark Mode bug. Starting today, when you visit our website, we will always set a new cookie named r10-current-auto-theme to fix an annoying Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC) bug as we changed how our Dark Mode was implemented to support our new 404 webpage (introduced July 2024). We can point you to the exact source code on GitHub where we set and use those cookies. This feature is GDPR-safe as those cookies are made for functional and UX purposes. 5. Search result now include dates. Finally, and finally (this is the last update we’d like to announce for good), we’ve improved our search results a bit by adding timestamps, the date and time where those articles are originally published (not updated). The date and time should be adjusted to your local time settings, so no need to figure out your time from UTC or Asia/Jakarta. So that’s all for now. Welcome to MY world (>_ )!

We’ve just fixed our IP address change.

Niagahoster (now part of Hostinger Group), one of our web hosting providers behind our main websites and others (,,,, have changed the IPv4 address of our web hosting service from to without prior notice. Looking at the statistics data from the inbuilt AWStats feature in CPanel, the migration was likely happed on July 17th, 2024. The old IP address was still accessible until about July 28th, where sites pointing to the old one now redirected to Hostinger’s default Our internal AWStats’ “Page View” statisctics for the main website. This, of course, bring some downsides. Including the fact that we can no longer our CPanel interface and MariaDB databses from this web hosting account! While Hostinger have automatically fixed the DNS zone entries for,, and to use the new addresses, we have to fixed our main website’s DNS nameserver, hosted at Cloudflare, to point out countless subdomains to this new address. So today, we’re happy to say that we completed the migration process on our side, so you can continue to use our services again (>_ )!

[EMERGENCY]: Stopping our Site Status website and BINUSMAYA Down services.

Our official Site Status website, where you can monitor for down services, is ironically down. And same with BINUSMAYA Down, used to monitor for BINUS University's downtime, but we have to temporarily shut it down. These products are powered by Upptime and GitHub Actions, but since Upptime used an aging Node.js version that's no longer supported by GitHub Actions, we received over 500 emails from GitHub that those automated services are down. That said, the original Upptime team is currently working to fix it, which should be automatically applied as an update to our services. For more information, visit

Site and Infrastructure updates, July 2024 edition.
Cover image for Site and Infrastructure updates, July 2024 edition.

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

