• (Updated )
Have a Shiftine website!

Today is November 20th, 2024. You have promised some interesting things to be announced to the public, but there weren't much time left to prepare for the surprise.
Little do know that this reminds of a great Start. Microsoft Windows is having a 39th birthday right now. And aren't you excited to say something, too?
Alright, let me start first. We're currently in plans of breaking up our main website as we tried to expand ourselves as a brand. Not just the (>_ )s, but also the (#_ )s. And not just Reinhart as a personal website, but also as a news, portfolio, corporate, and anything we could imagine as a polyglot website.
Our latest strategy includes placing me as a Digital Transformation Apprentice. Sounds both corporate and fantasy, don't they? It's part of our latest multiverse branding strategy to expose ourselves on the physical, spiritual, and digital worlds.
As an example, I can position myself as a DTA who can't control my powers, that I become digital, too!
What remains is a completely digital and virtual me, entirely powered by the creative and electric energy that powers the Cyberspace. I became akin to a robot and a virtualized operating system, and I take that for granted as a "botgirl" who can orchestrate clones of myself over the Cyberspace!
My heart goes to anyone who were affected by the great Digital Transformation. So to make it even more personal for you to connect with me, we decided to launch a new logo and a new website on https://shiftine.sh!

Whoa! You might be looking at another hint to our latest site and infrastructure updates. More info are coming soon!