
Reinhart Previano K.

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Have a Shiftine website!
Cover image for Have a Shiftine website!
Every Door 5.0 is now on HUAWEI AppGallery!

Three weeks ago, Ilya and the Every Door community introduced Every Door 5.0. Then we decided to pass to the HUAWEI AppGallery team for review. Today, we're excited to announce that you can now receive this great update on Android-based HUAWEI devices. So why not just check out and update right now?

Introducing HAM v1.0.4.

HAM is a simple Jekyll framework that allows you to build static wiki sites. And today, we are introducing a maintenance update with the following changes. First, the Bootstrap Icons dependency was updated from v1.11.1 to v1.11.3. There are no significant changes from the 100+ new icons introduced since v1.10. These icons are directly built into HAM, and you can simply use them in your Markdown source files as <i> HTML tags. (Just make sure you have reviewed their Web Accessibility recommendations on placing icons.) Next, we have also fixed a bug on v1.0.0 where users are redirected to the wrong YouTube URL when their web browsers do not support <iframe>. Well now, all modern web browsers supports that feature, and we're making this change to ensure that . HAM is not going anyway sooner. We still love HAM, and still use them on some of our internal projects. In fact, HAM still looks very nice on building another API documentation website like this: Of course, there are still some work to do. At least, readjusting the heading texts and adding more Liquid tags, and making these ugly tables more beautiful just what we recently did on our main website. So don't worry, we're still dogfooding HAM on our own.

We've overcome a month of BINUS Today's issues!

From article fetching issues to BINUS TV and Google Search Console issues, we're bringing new updates to BINUS Today again!

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

