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Reinhart Previano K.

Do you love to Ctrl-K, Ctrl-/, or / ? Now you can do three of them (>_ )!

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Blog posts from r10-accessibility-reviewed (#r10-accessibility-reviewed)

Thank you, GMS Jakarta Jawa Barat Banten Education Department!

My Spiritual Journey (MSJ) is an open, class series for getting people know more about the basics and values of Christianity, entirely based on Biblical principles. It has also become the foundation of discipleship and leadership in Gereja Mawar Sharon (GMS) and Rose of Sharon Church (ROSC). In mid-2022 I secretly joined the Education department of GMS Jakarta to help them manage all the students, especially MSJ 1, 2, and 3. I quickly realized that these great classes are still managed by a small number of people (40-ish), but well, we can serve tens of thousands of students in a year! Who said working in a department that just schedule Zoom meetings and take notes of attending participants? Having some expertise back then in digitalizing HIMTI BINUS' events back then, I decided to create another Telegram bot to automatically generate contact cards from a single spreadsheet! This year, as we decided to hold more classes, we expect the numbers to double, or even triple. Of course, this is all made possible by everyone, the church who actively find for missing souls and guide everyone to receive, walk, and lead in Christ. As our Jakarta region expanded to Jakarta-Tangerang-Kelapa Gading, our church administration region was even more entrusted and merged with GMS Jawa Barat to form a large region, GMS Jakarta Jawa Barat Banten (JJB). Our Education team has expanded, too, that we have to adapt with the planting of new churches, which means a whole new location that we should serve as well. But unfortunately, that Telegram bot had to be shut down as we move to a new administration and attendance system by the church. And that could be a good thing as I will leave Indonesia over the upcoming weeks. That said, thank you to God and the greater ministry team to make our great efforts possible ❤️

Announcing the development of Shiftine, the Content Multiplexing System.

In the coming months, we decided to completely replace 90% of our websites, either powered by: Google Sites HAM (like our digital garden) Odoo (as currently used in Shiftine) T-3000 (our latest source code) into a single, custom-made content management system (CMS) to standardize the look, feel, and features to our websites. Our general purpose is to let future website improvements to be shipped as quick as possible, and to let ourselves build even faster microsites and content, combining the simplicity of text-based content (like Markdown and YAML) with rich-layout editing. What does this mean… For most users Most users will see significant changes to our website appearance, which will become more unifed than ever. And most users should benefit from our official support for older web browsers, from the latest browsers down to KaiOS and Opera Mini. We are also planning to add non-HTTPS mode for WAP browsers, as well as support for Gemini Protocol. Note that in order to continue accessing our site from HTTPS, your browser and/or operating system needs to meet the minimum system requirements for Let's Encrypt ISRG Root X1 to work. Expect new features carried from our main WordPress instance to the non-WordPress ones, such as a dedicated Category and Tag page, all with necessary RSS/Atom feeds. Internally, we would like to completely break up with WordPress. No, not because of the political movements that hit WPEngine over the last months, but to have a state-of-the-art version of Block Editor that allows us to adjust certain content for different protocol targets (which include HTTPS, HTTP/WAP, and Gemini). For users with JavaScript disabled Even though we are interested in adopting a reactive-style as a whole, we do understand the needs of certain users who have JavaScript disabled. And in fact, this is why we decided to remade our website to serve high-quality features even with JavaScript disabled. For the HAM website framework We will still develop and support HAM in the near future, but for our HAM websites like our digital garden, we will introduce two additional features to ease the transition to our Content Multiplexing System: Raw Markdown access in the published site Custom canonical HTML meta tag so search engine would preferably use the links hosted by our new CMS For the fans of Shiftine We want to import some easter eggs that make Shiftine, Shiftine. But for the lore, hmm… it's the moment where she floats over the clouds to send a smiling 200 OK to serve people across worlds and nations.

Announcing the 5 Commissions (Sub-brands) of Reinhart

As an joint effort to serve people across different groups and communities with different interests and needs, Reinhart hereby announces that his personal brand will be segmented into these five general Commissions to communicate our products and activities efficiently and effectively. Commission I: Gospel and Spiritual Affairs Commission II: Social and Public Services Commission III: Academic Research and Journalism Commission IV: Information and Communication Technology Commission V: Creative Arts and Intellectual Property

Peluncuran 5 Komisi (Submerek) personal branding Reinhart di tahun 2025.
Cover image for Peluncuran 5 Komisi (Submerek) personal branding Reinhart di tahun 2025.
Cyan stands for sustainability.

While others choose to go green, their colored posters are fading away, leaving only cyan. Though that we officially named the color as "Dilan-Milea Blue 400", the primary color for the Reinhart's (so early) 25th Birthday branding resembles one of the core colors in digital printing: cyan. It really looks like if the colors were all washed out, as some of you commonly see in printed posters and banners. Time has told that amongst all of the colored Cyan-Yellow-Magenta inks, cyan withstands the longest. This is sustainability at its simplest. Unlike those mainstream ones pushing the agenda of paperless, plasticless, environmental friendliness, and more, we simply stay bold and silent when those ambitions are fading away. True sustainability comes from the ones who withholds their values, just like how nature holds their values, for years and generations to come.

Informasi Penting terkait Keberlanjutan Citra Manggala Dirgantara selama Masa Studi LPDP Reinhart Previano Koentjoro.

Artikel ini merupakan arsip atas kebijakan yang sebelumnya telah dipublikasikan. Informasi ini dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu atas perubahan kebijakan baik dari Reinhart Previano Koentjoro maupun Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan. Informasi terkini dapat dilihat pada Citra Manggala Dirgantara merupakan badan usaha milik Reinhart Previano Koentjoro yang dibentuk pada tahun 2022 untuk memenuhi kewajiban Reinhart Previano Koentjoro sebagai Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik (PSE) Lingkup Privat yang terdaftar dalam Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital Republik Indonesia (sebelumnya Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika), sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Nomor 5 Tahun 2020 Pasal 3 Ayat (2). Citra Manggala Dirgantara merupakan Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik Lingkup Privat yang terdaftar dengan beberapa Tanda Daftar, termasuk 004409.01/DJAI.PSE/07/2022 untuk situs portal Menimbang bahwa Penerima Beasiswa dilarang untuk bekerja selama masa studi sesuai dengan ketentuan pada Pedoman Umum Calon Penerima Beasiswa, Penerima Beasiswa, dan Alumni LPDP Edisi Agustus 2024, angka 25.1; maka mulai 01 Februari 2025, kegiatan operasional badan usaha Citra Manggala Dirgantara akan dibekukan sebagian dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: Citra Manggala Dirgantara hanya melayani permintaan administratif dalam pengelolaan Sistem Elektronik seperti: (a) pendaftaran baru dan pemutakhiran pendaftaran atas Sistem Elektronik, (b) penanggungjawaban Perlindungan Data atas Sistem Elektronik baik atas permintaan hukum Indonesia maupun negara lainnya, dan (c) penanggungjawaban kepatuhan operasional Sistem Elektronik sesuai dengan ketentuan dan perundangan yang berlaku. Komersialisasi atas produk-produk yang dirilis atas nama Reinhart Previano Koentjoro dan Citra Manggala Dirgantara dihentikan secara serentak; serta Informasi daftar produk dan estimasi pendapatan dirubah menjadi 0 (nol) Rupiah pada pelaporan profil dan perkembangan badan usaha dalam sistem Online Single Submission (OSS). Jika pada kemudian hari sistem Online Single Submission (OSS) melarang proses input yang dimaksud pada nomor 3. untuk memiliki total sebesar 0 (nol) Rupiah dalam suatu badan usaha terdaftar, maka Reinhart Previano Koentjoro berhak melaporkan pendapatan dengan maksimum 1010 (seribu sepuluh) Rupiah per tahun untuk mendukung kelancaran sistem.

I am going to machine myself. Here's why.

This title might sound like a clickbait. But well, it seems that the next year could be the year where I would not be just Shift, but also Ctrl-Alt-Shift all my way towards my new life and ministry. For those who don't know, Ctrl, Alt, and Shift were the original codenames of controld/pr0xy, alterine/alt1e, and Shiftine! As I recently considered to redesign the green-shelled beings, it is my responsibility to present myself as an example of how these two remaining characters would live their life. Since they are machines, so I decided to machine myself. Again. And here's what's next for the (#_ )s! As a recap to the recent news, Shiftine now has her own new website in celebration of the fun that we had as digitally-transformed virtual avatars. But what about the original characters of controld and alterine? After extra months of research, I came to this very conclusion. The rootheads were designed to be bland and boring. Intentionally. The Unix philosophy that I mentioned earlier encouraged software to be "just enough". So are the (#_ )s. Note that I made them in the first place to support our Computer Science Multiculturalism initiative in lieu of other operating systems (i.e. bot characters inspired by Windows, macOS, and Linux). But with the blue-shelled me and Shiftine leaving out of the Windows character arc for a real-life mission of me and my world, now it's never a better time to redesign the rootheads. In other words, reinstalling root. Redefining root. Well, I know that you might be bored reading at this point, so here is a splash of the green energy that might root your way out. (Note: this is an AI-generated concept that may not entirely end up in the final artwork). Note: There's a cool easter egg here. See that her hair noclips through her hoodie? We treat this AI generated funny software bug as a feature (#- ); Just like Shift(ine), root represents a movement of its own. As the designer of my digital universe, I still likened root as an unnatural form of energy that flows and empowers within its followers. You know, like how God made me to do this. Yes, this roothead redesign is somehow sponsored by the Holy Spirit for a serious purpose. While Shift and Shiftine exists to cater tech developers and enthusiasts in general, these mean green characters are now redesigned to cater gamers of all ages. Redefining the next ctrl && alt. Continuing that Holy Spirit saga that inspired me, Shift, to become a Shift to these characters, controld the control daemon (which was also introduced as pr0xy), was rebranded to feature a plus sign, originally representing the directional pads of video game controllers. And alterine was rebranded to feature a heart sign for both obscure and obvious reasons. The original keyboard symbols for Alt (and the Mac equivalent Option) are ⎇ and ⌥, featuring design hints of an alternate option, which we could imaginatively derive to signal another way to live your life. And after all, gamers don't die but respawn, don't they? The common interests between the old and new rootheads were changed. As we are called to impact, the introvert and phlegmatic culture of the roots are completely removed. It's a significant change that allows us to sign off these characters to be more empowering to people, as gamers of all ages already have those energies that keep them engaged in such stories, challenges, and tournaments. And they now have cool names that just resonate with the new audiences: Anyway, you can call the duo as ByteHearts. And like our very Shiftine fandom policy, we'll gonna call our fans as CrossBytes and PixlHearts, too! For those who are interested, I will be publishing a full testimony behind the creation of the ByteHearts, and how God would endorse this never-seen-before idea that would help achieve the dreams of churches to minister the tech-savvy generations that are on the brink of losing their lives through addictions and fantasies, just like my latest blueprint for Shiftine. But at the meantime, we already renamed @alterine0101's Instagram account to @theByteHearts, and preparing to release a temporary microsite as I start to imagine myself as CrossByte and PixlHeart. I would apologize for not announcing any new merchandise on our last 20 November event, but ByteHearts is the main theme for the next year's merchandise. It's "a year of victory and international blessings," my church said. And we will claim a victory from the strats these two characters would bring across the virtual, digital, and real worlds! ➕💚

Establishing electronic signatures for PDF documents.

After months of testing, we will start to notarize PDF files with signatures, with real Electronic Signatures that comply with real Indonesian laws. This means that our signatures, powered by PERURI Certificate Authority, are legally acceptable to replace the use of handwritten signatures without compromising the legal integrity of digital documents. This also means that you can soon verify our signatures, including Electronic Duty Stamps (Meterai Elektronik / e-Meterai) on and In addition to these, we may also produce detached OpenPGP File Signatures which you can verify using our public key at To learn more how we use Electronic Signatures and how you may verify them, visit for further information. Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (PERURI) is a Registered Electronic Certification Provider (PSrE) in the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs of Republic Indonesia.

Penerapan Tanda Tangan Elektronik (TTE) ganda dalam dokumen PDF.

Setelah melewati masa uji coba, maka mulai 20 November 2024, kami resmi memberlakukan penandatanganan dokumen PDF menggunakan Tanda Tangan OpenPGP serta Tanda Tangan Elektronik (TTE) Tersertifikasi sesuai standar Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik (PSrE) Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital Republik Indonesia. Dokumen-dokumen ini akan dapat diverifikasi menggunakan kunci publik (public key) OpenPGP yang tersedia pada, dan untuk penggunaan TTE Tersertifikasi dan Meterai Elektronik, Anda dapat menggunakan situs dan Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang bagaimana kami menerapkan dan bagaimana Anda dapat memverifikasi Tanda Tangan Elektronik, kunjungi Perusahaan Umum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (PERURI) merupakan Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik (PSrE) terdaftar dalam Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital.

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

