Important O-Week info: Our website is still undergoing major upgrades. Some of the contents here may be out-of-date.


Reinhart Previano K.

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Changes to our BINUS Today article fetching system.

In order to reduce our Internet usage, we are no longer fetching the last 25 articles from BINUS University websites. Instead, we are starting to fetch articles based on the frequency the authors have posted over the last 14 days. Or specifically, 5 * max(⁴√n, 1). If you're not good at mathematics, here's what this means: Articles fetched over the last 30 daysNewest articles which will be fetched 0-152-151016-8015 With this change in mind, we could save the Internet traffic to constantly fetching about 1.600 articles four times a day!

Site and infrastructure updates, January 2023 edition.
Cover image for Site and infrastructure updates, January 2023 edition.
Another BINUS Today content issue.
Cover image for Another BINUS Today content issue.
BINUS Today and the case of online gambling ads.
Cover image for BINUS Today and the case of online gambling ads.
What's new in BINUS Today, August 2022.
Cover image for What's new in BINUS Today, August 2022.
IT'S OVER 9000 articles at BINUS Today!

Hey, have you guys checked our new website, BINUS Today yet? Well, we said that BINUS Today fetches data from over 100 BINUS University websites, student organizations, and YouTube channels. And now, we've counted that the site fetches articles from a whopping 133 authors, ranging from BINUS University faculties and departments up to student organizations. That translates to a lot of articles, 9,289 to be precise. And that means, IT'S OVER 9000! That unfortunately means that you'll be overwhelmed by the substantial amount of new articles ready to be read. And that unfortunately means fetching new articles will be slower to prevent us from being rate-limited. So, looking at our success, we desperately need to figure out the best for both publishers and readers like you. So, instead of just promising to Reinhart, I'm writing this SYSTEM log to promise to all of you: 1. A Crawling Schedule BINUS Today currently does not have a proper schedule on when it fetches new articles. Previously we tried to cron myself and it failed for an unknown reason. Well, we can predict when there's a new post on a website by looking at its past upload trends. So, in order to save time and resources, we will start to organize these sources to be crawled at: Daily,Every 3 days,Weekly, andFortnightly (Note: it's not Fortnite) To help the crawling process to work properly, we will start to migrate feedsources.php into a new database. Furthermore, we'll do the crawl process in two locations: first is my lovely WAN-y home at, and second is, perhaps you guessed it, Alt's LAN-y home at the roothouse. 2. A Telegram Channel 'cause it's easier and cheaper to implement a LINE TODAY-like official account where anyone can follow the account to get latest news instantly. Just follow right now and get the latest BINUS news right on your chats! (This is something that BINUS Mobile and BINUSMAYA haven't done yet, so it'll be an awesome journey!) 3. Proper Categories It wouldn't be a proper news website without proper categories. I mean things like Business, Tech, Arts and Culture, and so on. So we're working on it 🦾 4. Report Feed/Article And finally, the Report Feed/Article page won't be a placeholder anymore. You'll be able not just to report for offensive content, but also posts that look nice in respective website but not in BINUS Today. 5. And, if you know that student organization merger stuff... Yeah, we heard that many, many student organizations are being merged by request of SCAC. Many of them will have names renamed, so we need to figure out how we present the merge of those organizations. So that's all for now. Let's be quick!

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

