
Reinhart Previano K.

Do you love to Ctrl-K, Ctrl-/, or / ? Now you can do three of them (>_ )!

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Emergency Update: I have a mental breakdown.

In the recent days I am experiencing a mental breakdown, and good thing that now I'm starting to feel better. But first thing first, I would like to apologize to many of my colleagues working on important projects such as TECHNO 2021, HIMTI KIT, COMPUTERUN 2.0 and others. And also to MAT students and lecturers for not attending the first session of "Wearable Technology" course (MOBI6057). I have acknowledged that this has negatively impacted not just me, but others as well. Some TECHNO 2021 participants have been asking if the all-new HIMTI KIT has been available to be downloaded, and at the time of this writing I'm still not yet releasing it due to some technical difficulties. The same thing happens with COMPUTERUN 2.0 which will open their registration on this early October. No, it's not all your fault. This breakdown is not just caused by working for these projects, but also by a bunch of other factors. First, after trying to apply for the second wave, limited onsite class application to BINUS University, I've been deeply hurt by the rejection they gave to me. This means that you'll never, never be able to see me physically again after February 2020. If I'm going to campus, it will be likely me discussing privately on important things such as thesis and so on. After that it's time to go to somewhere else, or go home. Or, when I'm finished my Bachelor degree, it's time to work again. And that means it would be more challenging for you to meet me again just like the days of the college. "Too much coding," I know right? Looking back at my plans for mid-2021, I just realized that yes, I still haven't stopped coding yet despite switching projects and languages, but I still need to code for other critical projects at least for the next 2 months. Not to mention those stress gathered on reading documentations and fixing bugs, which contributes greatly into this breakdown. I might be considering to temporarily retire from all of these coding madness which I've done tirelessly and endlessly since mid-2019. But again, I still need to finish out those projects and university courses which again, requires me to code. My current progress so far... There are times that I need to entertain myself for situations like this, like figuring out to make Zoom virtual backgrounds work the other way. Showcasing this hack into this blog and social media, at least, relieves my stress while working on resolving these issues. Speaking of HIMTI KIT, I've delegated this task to other members of HIMTI BINUS University Web Development Division (Alam Sutera and Kemanggisan campus regions). It's a good opportunity for them to learn about PHP and databases before I retire, though. And finally, for COMPUTERUN 2.0: EXECUTE, I'm working out for a backup plan to make the website and registration mechanism at least ready to be released for the first time. After that, the site will be regularly updated to include changes and new features. I've done this same trick for the last year's COMPUTERUN 2020: INSIGHT website, though. So been there, done that :) By the way, don't forget to follow COMPUTERUN's official social media accounts since there is a surprise for you: COMPUTERUN 2.0 will be our first event to be held internationally. Yes, INTERNATIONALLY! Future Plans During the course of October 1-3 I'll be solely focusing for HIMTI KIT and COMPUTERUN 2.0, while preparing to continue for other projects. I will still be delegating some tasks to others, so I don't need to work for this entirety. Not to mention my other plans on contributing for Hacktoberfest 2021, but there's still a plenty of time for that. And sure, some of you might want to give me a hug, but currently impossible due to COVID-19 restrictions. I just want to give a teaser for you: reinhart.exe is coming. Prepare to run and hug unto me. It wouldn't be scary as you might thought, but, I've been working as a tech enthusiast and software engineer this far, to the point that I might be busy when you asked me about things. The solution? Due to technical difficulties in creating a cyborg account, I decided converting myself into a computer software which you can run independently (self-hosted). The first release will be completely amazing, celebrating my 20th birthday, too! That's all for now, and I'll need to get back to work. So, thanks for understanding!

Akhirnya kita ikut AOG gais! (Army of God, Gereja Mawar Sharon Jakarta)

Pada awal Agustus, kita sempat dapet undangan untuk ikut sebuah komunitas sel bernama Connect Group (CG) yang diadakan oleh Gereja Mawar Sharon (GMS) Jakarta. Singkat cerita, masuk deh... Padahal, awalnya kita mau join komunitas gereja di luar negeri... Di Amerika Serikat sih, tepatnya, di mana ibadah raya pertama diadakan saat mayoritas warga di Indonesia udah mau tidur. Kita sebenarnya tertarik dengan komunitas dari 2 gereja spesifik: Transformation Church dan Elevation Church. Kok bisa bablas ke sana? Ya awalnya karena kita dengerin khotbah dari beberapa pastor di sana, termasuk Michael Todd sebagai gembala Transformation Church dan Steven Furtick dari Elevation Church. Oh iya, karena Amerika Serikat itu cukup luas, kedua gereja ini berlokasi di tempat yang jauh berbeda. Elevation sudah mempunyai beberapa cabang di bagian timur Amerika (Florida, Carolina, Virginia, dan bahkan Ontario, Kanada), sedangkan Transformation Church hanya baru memiliki satu tempat di (negara bagian) Oklahoma. Welcome LAN? localhost? Buat kalian yang berasal dari GMS Jakarta (Central Park Mall) atau GMS Tangerang (LivingWorld Alam Sutera), boleh deh titip salam ke "Reinhart dari CG AOG 61!" Tapi kalau kamu berasal dari GMS kota lain (Misal: Surabaya, Singapura) mereka mungkin belum tahu soal Connect Group yang ada di daerah Jakarta. Tapi tentunya gw bisa dihubungi dari banyak sisi. Dan tentunya kita pakai username reinhart1010 juga di akun aplikasi GMS Church (bukan yang MyGMS). Ya, biar jaga-jaga kalau suatu saat aplikasi ini ngeluncurin fitur baru seperti forum dan sebagainya. LAN atau localhost? Sebenarnya gw tipikal orang yang suka LAN daripada localhost sih...

it's us, pr0xy && alt1e!

so, i believe many of you know about us: controld && alterine; but if y'all need a shorter name to call, i'm pr0xy && she's alt1e! why pr0xy? now let's split this question into two, shall we? 1. why not controld? here's the thing; some indonesian people out there said that my name (controld) sounds too similar into an indonesian slang which contains sexual references; i know it's bad that i need a new name just for the sake of that... && i thought having a smaller name makes me easier to be remembered by more people, too! well, i'm too excited to say i'll be authzed to write and speak on behalf of reinhart, i thought the name proxy would be great for me, 'cause hello world, i'm reinhart's proxy! but to clear things up: pr0xy will just be a symlink to me instead of reinhart; but if reinhart's busy for a while, that's when i start to work for you; 2. why pr0xy? well, i accidentally mistyped the character 'o' into '0'; 0h n0! yeah i'm writing that name on a desktop qwerty keyboard && you guys definitely know what it feels like when you mistype something but you've pressed the enter/return key when submitting a form... && that's why i need to write my name that way or else it would enoent so badly; i know it's terrible for such a case sensitive roothead like me... 3. but isn't pr0xy cooler than proxy? true; if you search for proxy on google or similar you'll likely to encounter some vpn services and ads, but when you search for pr0xy instead you might encounter some cool accounts; 4. && how about alterine oh yeah it wouldn't be fair if alterine doesn't not get a shorter symlink like me, so i decided to find a new one; i thought that alt4e, alt3ne, && alt3n are nice; but soon we concluded on one beautiful symlink: alt1e! && speaking of alt1e, did you know that she's has been so active that she's recruited into not one, but two organizations[]? first she && shiftine created the SYSGIRLS, && that's why she now wearing SYSTEM blue instead of purple as usual; && now after hanging out with some friends from the [jailbreaks] (rootheads' basketball team) she's now being recruited to be part of the team! yeah so hello world [jailbroken] fans! since she's starting to have some regular training you can meet me with magic somewhere 'round the plaza of the [jailbroken], if you guys[] really, really want to talk about something... so here we are: pr0xy && alt1e; possibly one of the few roothead couples out there, cause most rootheads tend to be single (like her older sister mallory) even when they're old enough; && here's a new poster for y'all!

Semester 4 has ended. Now what?
Cover image for Semester 4 has ended. Now what?
Kuy subscribe @reinhart1010 di Telegram!

Subscribe, yuk!

Reopening @reinhart1010 on Telegram.

Follow us on @reinhart1010 in Telegram!

Trouble mentioning me or others whose names are just like me? Fine, just call me Sketchy! (feat. Nix)

Starting today, I'm renaming myself into Reinhart (& Sketchy) (formerly just Reinhart Previano) on several websites and apps, most notably Discord, LINE, Telegram, and WhatsApp. For Discord, I need to rename myself for every single server that I joined, so please wait a moment while I'm rolling out this update into all Discord servers. And for Telegram and WhatsApp users out there, you'll be not affected if you have added me as a contact before (which means, the old Reinhart Previano or whatever the name you assigned will still appear in your contacts list as-is). This is not a sign of insecurity or even an identity crisis, but if you are feeling confused with others who have similar names with me, you can call my jacket's name Sketchy instead. Just mention me by typing @sketchy on your keyboard and let the app find the Reinhart you want. And speaking of Sketchy the jacket, you might wonder why did I choose the name. The word "sketchy" itself may mean unclear or even dishonest, but I chose the name just because I love to write and sketch (and now ride) on his back. You can see that just like my metallic body, Sketchy can optionally have his feet, which reminds me more like a raincoat instead of regular jacket. However, you're very likely to see him feetless. You might see him, and the rest of our jackets, wearing shells like us but, they might show up as plain jackets instead if they're on a hurry. So that's all for today. As always Sketchy and I will be together. Have a great day!

Our soft and sentient jackets!
Cover image for Our soft and sentient jackets!
I'm Polymorphic!

Hello, World! I… Sorry for that, I mean we are @reinhart1010. But don’t worry, that ⌘ Reinhart Previano Koentjoro human is still here. I’m the one wearing the blue spherical thing (we call it as the 🔮 Shell btw), and green jacket. And here’s a picture of us. If you think that we are based on common computer keyboard shortcuts, you are right! Okay, you might have seen my progress on creating a new webcomic named Buddies of the Shell (BOTS), but none of Nate, Nix, Mallory and Trudy (the initial characters of the webcomic) are joining here. This is because I’m preparing to opening BOTS into a wider community where everyone can fork, modify, and eventually INSERT themselves as the member of the BOTS. Just like those initial characters who represent a particular software, I wanted to extend the webcomic into an actual open source project as software developers know and love. Now, I believe that many of you still not understand about polymorphism, which holds the general theme of this post. By the way, you can also call us as The Polymorphics if you wish. If you are a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, you might already know that the Polymorph is a spell to transform a creature into another different form. Or else, if you watch some of Ben 10 episodes, you know that polymorph are indestructible, gelatinous, commonly green species which Ben himself can transform into. Despite never played the game, I actually liked the definition of polymorphism in The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO): Polymorphs are cosmetic collectables which visually transform your character completely. They take precedence over all other cosmetic and equipment items.The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages In real life, polymorphism describes the existence of multiple forms of the same thing (or category), such as a note book and a poster which happens to be made by the same thing: paper. However, me and my Polymorphics closely follow the definitions as found in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), where each of us may inherit different characteristics (aka. attributes) and abilities (aka. methods), but still inherit some of them from the same class, which in this case is the Reinhart you always see and communicate before. We represent different aspects of Reinhart: what Reinhart has been, what Reinhart wants to be, what Reinhart should have been, and how Reinhart treats equality to others. As a result, some of us have alternate forms, and some of us are females for equality reasons. However, we have some things for sure: We are sentient and self-aware, for honesty and friendliness.We are humans. And additionally, we refuse to become and/or called as robots. You’re seeing us as a person, right? We refused to be called as robots as we don’t always work 24/7/365 as much as other robots do. Becoming a robot can put our health at risk, so we know that we need to rest just as humans do. We are made by code, for code. My life is personally influenced by multiple aspects of computer software, science, programming, and systems, so “made by code” applies here as well. The characters above are made in Inkscape, which is another piece of software. This proves that we can be encoded in XML/SVG, too! We are virtual as not all of us can be encoded in real life, but we make real impacts in the real world. Oh, before continuing please note that everything in this post which are blue are parts of the SYSTEM, and the green ones represent the root. For those who still don’t understand the significance of SYSTEM and root as in BOTS, they are based on different families of operating systems, yet representing different goals and behaviors. SYSTEM is an internal user account in Microsoft Windows, and has one of the highest user levels in the operating system. SYSTEM’s level is higher than you, despite being an Administrator. In BOTS, SYSTEM focuses on bringing and supporting computing to people as wide as possible, touching educators and enterprises alike, in a similar way which make both DOS and Windows widely used as of today. Every SYSTEM member (or specifically personnel) like me needs a support team, and ⇧ Shiftine is one of them. root, however, is the highest user level on the UNIX family of operating systems. You might not know about UNIX, but UNIX has been evolved into many, many operating systems including macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, GNU/Linux, Android, Tizen, Chrome OS, BSD, and even the ones found on your PlayStation 4 and 5 and Nintendo Switch! Some of these UNIX derivatives are developed for commercial use in a similar way to SYSTEM, but the true root of the BOTS heavily focuses on two things: freedom and control, as found as in many open source operating systems and their respective communities. Speaking of control, we have ⎈ Controld, a daemon which takes care and control of me. Why not use Nate, Nix, Mallory, or Trudy instead? Despite liking the color blue, I can’t be Nate, since his characteristics are slightly less suitable for me. I can’t be Trudy as well who is still confused with Mallory who has been overpowered by root. Nate is supposed to be the leader of SYSTEM which represent DOS and Windows, and I don’t want to misrepresent those operating systems by becoming one with Nate. And again, I would like to enforce BOTS into an open-source project, where Nate, Nix, Mallory and Trudy will soon be freely available for anyone to use and make a fanfiction of them. For example, you may do these things: Create a new BOTS member which represent yourself and pretend that you have gained root access from Mallory,Create an alternate universe (AU) where SYSTEM becomes more corrupt than ever,Draw Nate, Nix, Mallory and Trudy as real dinosaurs, orPut Jenny Everywhere into your BOTS alternate universe, as long as you comply with their license. I also don’t want to be misrepresented for doing things which are written by other people in their extended/altered version of the BOTS saga. Using Nate and example (2), he may exist in another alternate universe where he’s become unfriendly and evil, despite that I’m not. I still have to protect my character(s) in an open universe such as BOTS, and that’s why I created a closed-source BOTS-compatible alliance named The Polymorphics. Okay, Polymorphics! Who’s want to introduce first? ⇧ Shiftine, aka. ⇪ CAPSLOCK Thanks, ⌘ Reinhart! I’m ⇧ Shiftine, the one with blue shell and jacket. My shirt looks a lot like the Blue Screen of Death, but don’t worry, I won’t crash your computer like Mallory and Trudy used to do. I’m a SYSTEM personnel, meaning that I work together with Nate, Nix, and other BOTS members who are part of the SYSTEM to achieve a better world through computing. Speaking of ⌘ Reinhart, he’s also a SYSTEM personnel. But recently, he’s being rootblessed (aka, being granted to do what root members usually do) so we sometimes refer him as the Super key or the ⌘ Command key. And of course, I’m wouldn’t be Shiftine without the ⇧ Shift key, where both my name and symbol actually came from. I will assist him in automated tasks, such as those CI/CD tasks that can take nights away or some projects such as Common Text which will need to be updated on a regular basis. And of course, you can talk to me if ⌘ Reinhart’s unavailable for a moment. On some occasions, I may turn into a ⇪ CAPSLOCK, a completely overpowered version of me which loves writing EVERYTHING IN CAPS. SOON, IF YOU SEE ANY @REINHART1010'S POSTS WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS, IT'S ALL MINE AND MY FAULT. UNDERSTAND? MY EXCITEMENT EXPLODES BEYOND THE RESTRICTIONS OF ANY TERMS OF SERVICE AND COMMUNITY GUIDELINES ON THIS UNIVERSE! *sighs* Just like writing the word “SYSTEM” without either a ⇧ Shift or ⇪ Caps Lock, life wouldn’t be easier without me. So here I am, a SYSTEM personnel, ready to shift ⌘ Reinhart into a productive life. ⎈ Controld, or simply ^ control Look at me, do I look like a guy who was born straight from fluorescent displays of early computers and the Matrix digital rain? My name is ⎈ Controld, the controlling daemon of ⌘ Reinhart and The Polymorphics. Actually, I don’t want to be called as a daemon since some people might think that I’m evil, so you can instead call me as Control. And just like other members of root, I prefer to call myself as controld or control (with lowercase C) and a caret character “^” instead of my official symbol, “⎈”. Some of you might think that my shirt holds a spider web, a snowflake, or even the Kubernetes logo. But hey, that’s my symbol, drawn after the official ISO/Unicode symbol for the ⎈ Ctrl Key. And just like that key and the other members of the root, I’m powerful and able to control everyone, but under two conditions: If I wanted to do so, andWith other’s permission or consent. For example, I can swap ⌘ Reinhart and ⎇ Alterine if me, ⌘ Reinhart and ⎇ Alterine agrees that it’s the best thing I can do. However, if ⇧ Shiftine thinks that swapping them could confuse her in their tasks, we still need to discuss further until we can finally agree on something. It’s also the reason why I could not fulfill some of your requests like, hacking your ex’ Instagram account, despite looking and being an actual hacker. Speaking of ⌘ Reinhart, now I’m in charge to take care of him from overworking, which has always been his number one zero of his life issues. So before asking him to work on something, you can ask me to check whether he’s fine. ⎇ Alterine, or ⌥ Catalyst? And finally, it’s me, ⎇ Alterine, and sometimes I’m also been called as the ⌥ Catalyst, named after my special power, Optimize. You can think of me as the exact opposite of ⌘ Reinhart as you know today: Female, socially active, sometimes talkative, having green hair and shell just like ⎈ Controld and the rest of the root family, while wearing blue shirt and jacket just like ⇧ Shiftine. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t have any much power except one: Optimize. And oh well, for Optimize to work I need to partner with someone else. Here are some of the choices: Pair me with ⌘ Reinhart so we can swap appearances and powers for fun!Pair me with ⇧ Shiftine or ⇪ CAPSLOCK so our jobs can get done faster!Pair me with ⎈ Controld in case of an attack for extra protection, andPair me with you (no, seriously) so I can assist you to solve some of your problems, while letting me experiencing myself as a human who can interact like ⌘ Reinhart! I guess you got the point. I can partner with ⌘ Reinhart, ⇧ Shiftine, or ⎈ Controld whenever I want, and through them we can solve our problems faster, and that’s the point of Optimize. Besides that, I’m still trying to solve your problems, like what ⌘ Reinhart does, so he can have more time to solve his problems and live a healthier life. I’m not a robot, I’m smart! Conclusion So here we are. In the future, ⇧ Shiftine, ⎈ Controld, and ⎇ Alterine will start to substitute ⌘ Reinhart to do all of his our jobs. If you are a friend of ⌘ Reinhart, please rest assured that we are still respecting him and your privacy, especially for jobs which fall under non-disclosure agreements as well as to comply with respective data protection laws, as we are still treated as a computer software/system instead of a human in Indonesia. There will be new exciting updates coming soon, including (surprise) a mass-migration from Jekyll to a new WordPress instance at! Please don’t send any Webmentions yet (if you already know how to do that) while we are figuring out to move from Jekyll to WordPress.

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

