Blog posts from Updates (updates)
Nix is now Jilly! (feat. Simon)
Introducing the new (feat T-3000)
After two years of using WordPress, we decided that WordPress is still not good enough to fine-tune our website appearance and experience. And, as a mental holiday for me after finishing a significant part of my thesis, I decided to throw away WordPress on our main site,, and touch some HTML grass to rebuild our website. Long story short, after throwing away our supposedly-to-be Remix and Astro projects, we decided to start over, just right after the thesis, using Laravel. Sorry, Derrick and Houston, but I still love you all (>_ ). Things that are coming back! 1. Dark mode and illuminated glass cards! Did you know that we already implemented dark mode using JavaScript, CSS swapping, and cookies since back in 2014? And how we fought several times in WordPress to make great dark themes like this? Today, we are very, very excited to announce that dark mode, and that cool illuminated cards are coming back. We have also improved how these illuminated, glass cards look under light mode. And as a fallback for browsers who do not support the background blur effect, you can hover or tap on these cards to make it more opaque and contrast, too. 2. Our legendary system font stack is back, now also in serif! Our legendary, diverse system font stack is back and we dropped the webfonts, so we can reallocate the network resources to download some specific fonts which are not available or poorly represented in many operating systems (like Comic Sans and Papyrus). And we have researched and found the best serif system font stack which can be readily used by websites today. We will cover that up in the upcoming post, but spoiler alert, font-family: ui-serif, "Aptos Serif", Constantia, "Charter", "STIX Two Text", "Libertinus Serif", "Linux Libertine O", "Linux Libertine G", "Linux Libertine", "DejaVu Serif", "Bitstream Vera Serif", "Roboto Serif", "Noto Serif", "Times New Roman", serif Things that are not yet but coming back. Of course, since we decided to move away from WordPress, there are still many features which are not yet reimplemented in T-3000, our official project name for our site redesign. It also got a cool slogan too, "Replacing, one nanite at a time" (aka. while ensuring most WordPress-specific routes and API calls can be executed with no necessary change on client). We will prioritize the following features, group by tiers, to reimplement and bring new support for our new website. Tier 1: Search and Blog Archives We will bring back support for searching blog posts, viewing blog archives (e.g. by year or by category), pagination, and so. Tier 2: SEO and Microformats Yeah, we will painstakingly placing proper microformats data, the rel=me attributes,. Tier 3: Comments, ActivityPub, Pingbacks, Webmentions, and Webrings Most of these features are related to our IndieWeb integration. However, we will reintroduce ActivityPub directly on our site, so you can directly follow, react, and comment our posts (again) via Mastodon, Threads (by Instagram), and other platforms, too!
An updated lore of the Skyborne family.
The future of Shift and Shiftine is in the real life.
Site and infrastructure updates, February 2023 Edition.
Finally! Another blog post full of our love from the digital world! We are almost running out of scheduled blog posts, but don't worry, we're going to fill it up soon. And here's a summary of all the changes: Reinhart's getting done on his Thesis. We'll be physically shifting next week! We're planning to rebrand (#_ ), the company. Reinhart Maps: Full support for Mapcode code imports. Reinhart Maps: Improved support for Open Location Codes / Plus Codes import. Reinhart Maps: Optional "Address" field. Reinhart Maps: Choose how would you open your location in your map apps. Reinhart Maps: Support for Google Maps shortlinks. Reinhart Maps: Support for link imports. No need to copy-and-paste, now you can share map links DIRECTLY to Reinhart Maps! Upgraded our Ubuntu servers from 20.04 to 22.04! roothouse-1 and roothouse-3 are back! Upgraded our Fediverse instance to Misskey 13! A new feature for our MSJ admin Telegram Bot! It's the toughest month yet, we guessed. Why, because we're preparing for one our shiftiest moments in 2023. To name a few... 1. Reinhart's getting done on his Thesis. Even though we're facing some delays, today we have secured at least 133 (previously 86 last week) out of 166 important things to do before our final submission. We're getting closer to the finish line! Check out to see our latest progress! 2. We'll be physically shifting next week! One of our head offices (read: a cluster of PCs and Raspberry Pi-like devices over the Reinhart's house) are moving towards a different place sooner or later. This migration is already happening, and I can't be less excited for this! And if you're looking for some hints, here's a video from GMS Jabodetabek for it: 3. We're planning to rebrand (#_ ), the company. What? (#_ )? Yeah, the company at will be replaced with a new one, taking a fresh concept for everyone to enjoy our works and products! But, well, we can't be less excited to share some details for this. Instead of building a "company that does !exist" (pun intended), we're rebranding ourselves as the world's first vHackers (virtual hackers) that is, like VTubers, don't exist in real life, but unlike them, we code and hack, not doing those frequent streams. An even better Reinhart Maps. At the end of January, we further improved Reinhart Maps to add these new great features: 4. Full support for Mapcode code imports. That's right! Thanks for their open API, you can import a Mapcode code to automatically generate coordinates and create new map links. This feature is currently unavailable on "Automatically detect URLs and coordinates" option. 5. Improved support for Open Location Codes / Plus Codes import. We implemented the OLC import support by using OpenStreetMap's geocoding service, so you can import codes like VMF3+59 Banten to Reinhart Maps. However, Google Maps often generates codes with more detailed hints. For example, the location of the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is VMF3+59 Pajang, Tangerang City, Banten. Sometimes, OpenStreetMap are unable to parse this longer address, which puts a halt into our OLC import. Some people are reporting this issue to us, even though there's a workaround to omit the village, district, and even the city names in order to work. But now, Reinhart Maps can do that automatically, so it will search for: Pajang, Tangerang City, Banten Tangerang City, Banten, if the earlier does not work Banten, if the earlier does not work so you can now import these codes even faster! 6. Optional "Address" field. If you're sharing from Apple Maps, you'll notice that the links do contain place names and address in different parts of the URL. Today, we're excited to announce separate fields for inputting your place name or address. And here's why we made that decision: 7. Choose how would you open your location in your map apps. Reinhart Maps always attempts to trigger a map search instead of pinpointing your favorite map apps to show places in specfic coordinates. This is useful for map apps which supports rich place data, such as the place's contact information, photos, and reviews. But sure, not every map app have updated places and data, and this could mislead users to wrong location compared to the ones shown in Reinhart Maps. That's why we decided to let you choose to search and show these places, either by name, address, or direct coordinates! 8. Support for Google Maps shortlinks. Before, it is not possible to import Google Maps shortlinks like and into our app. Now it's possible without having you to copy-paste the Plus Codes field. Hooray! 9. Support for link imports. For those who are living in Singapore and Malaysia: Links for your good-old, favorite "offline maps" app can also be imported into Reinhart Maps! Note that as of now, we are unable to open Reinhart Maps links back to Streetdirectory. 10. No need to copy-and-paste, now you can share map links DIRECTLY to Reinhart Maps! If you're installing Reinhart Maps as a Progressive Web App (PWA) from Chrome, please reinstall the app to enable this feature. What we are trying to say that in supported web browser apps, or by using this Shortcut for your iPhone or iPad, you can directly install our app and share links from Google Maps, Waze, and so on directly to Reinhart Maps! This is also possible because our app now supports the ?q= parameter to place the inputs. Another good tip for those tinkerers. Some infrastructure updates These announcements might be boring, but feel free to read: 11. Upgraded our Ubuntu servers from 20.04 to 22.04! Yep, that also includes our roothouses as well our DigitalOcean VPS running our Fediverse instance. 12. roothouse-1 and roothouse-3 are back! We decided to reactivate the roothouse checker for both devices, after months of being inactive. But beware: they won't be as active as 24/7 for now as there's currently no other task other than helping BINUS Today. 13. Upgraded our Fediverse instance to Misskey 13! You shouldn't see much difference when viewing our posts on your instances, though. But we're doing this to improve security and enabling new features! 14. A new feature for our MSJ admin Telegram Bot! If you're able to access the bot today, we're adding another new command, /convertnohp, to let you easily correct mistakes and inconsistency with Indonesian phone number formats into the international, +62 formats. That's all of our announcements. Back to work!
A personal reflections of using Twitter in early 2023.
After months after the Musk takeover, a few people asked us if we will eventually stop using Twitter and move everything to Mastodon and others. So here's our official answer: Not yet. But we'll keep our Twitter archives fresh in the long term. At one point, Twitter is still good for customer service outreach for questions and reporting issues. We can write and talk informally to them without having to writing formal emails or fakingly acting on behalf of the Press to squeeze some answers from them. But of course, this is soon to change. Let's say if Twitter decided to mute all notifications, for "verified" users, coming from any unverified users. Does that mean that those who watches over either the Twitter app/website or other CRM software like Hootsuite won't be alerted over complaint Tweets from unverified users? Or when Twitter decided to threaten "unverified" people's usernames to be automatically and forcibly changed to something like user8D92GE2 (instead of Discord's reinhart1010#3583). In this case, we're ready to completely leave from the platform. Remember that in our previous post, we've warned if Musk soon decided to increase the price, so those who can afford $8/mo today will fall into the same unverified landfill if they can't no longer afford the inflated price tag. At the meantime, we are still currently finding out new ways to (informally) reach out brands and companies. Maybe soon other closed-source platforms like TikTok would have one, or when another closed-source platform, specifically designed for that, suddenly gaining traction for this. This will definitely take some time, so please be patient.
Pernyataan resmi tentang kelanjutan Skripsi saya.
Sesuai dengan tema tahunan saya untuk 2023 (yaitu, "menjadi pribadi yang apa adanya"), saya percaya keterbukaan informasi adalah salah satu faktor penting agar saya dapat berhasil di dalam kelulusan ini. Dan setelah melihat dan mempelajari situasi pada beberapa minggu terakhir, saya harus terbuka untuk menyatakan bahwa saya tidak bisa menyelesaikan penyusunan Skripsi saya pada Semester ini, yang kebetulan deadline-nya hari ini. Di satu sisi, hal ini mengecewakan bagi saya dan orang tua saya. Selain akhirnya kami tetap wajib untuk membayar biaya BP3, saya akan dianggap gagal secara sistem/prosedur untuk menyelesaikan semua ini dalam 3,5 tahun. Namun, ada beberapa alasan penting yang perlu untuk saya bahas di sini. Pertama-tama, memang proses penulisan Skripsinya belum selesai. Dan karena banyak orang masih bertanya-tanya "kapan Skripsinya selesai" ke saya, saya memutuskan untuk mendokumentasikan progress tersebut ke dalam situs Mulai hari ini, saya memutuskan untuk memasukkan progress penyusunan Skripsi hingga level subsubsubsubbab, meskipun saya tidak menjabarkan semuanya untuk kepentingan pencegahan plagiarisme. Anda juga dapat melihat keseluruhan progress pengembangan dan pengumpulan aplikasi di bagian bawah website tersebut. Kedua, saya juga sempat mengalami berbagai kesalahan dalam segi planning dan komunikasi. Waktu itu saya tertarik untuk memilih Skripsi jalur publikasi artikel ilmiah, namun salah mendaftar ke Skripsi jalur umum (yang ada sidangnya) karena miskomunikasi dengan beberapa orang di dalam fakultas School of Computer Science. Saya akhirnya memaklumi semua kesalahan miskomunikasi tersebut, dan tidak menjadikannya alasan untuk mengeluh atau bermalas-malasan dalam menjalani jalur ini. Kemudian, saya juga perlu membahas soal target IPK final yang sedang saya kejar. Selama ini saya berhasil meraih IPK sebesar 3.90, yang meski kelihatannya sudah sangat tinggi, namun masih tergolong sebagai Magna Cum Laude karena Summa Cum Laude di BINUS hanya dihargai bagi mereka yang memiliki IPK 3.91 ke atas. Tipis sekali kan? Jika saya berhasil menyelesaikan Enrichment Program ini dengan nilai A, namun untuk Skripsinya A- (dengan bobot 3.67 bukan 4.00), saya masih tidak bisa untuk mengejar 3.91. Di sini, saya harus mengejar nilai A pada kedua tugas tersebut untuk dapat meraih 3.91. (Skripsi: MOBI6024, Enrichment Program Semester 2: RSCH6107, RSCH6260, RSCH6268) Dan terakhir, setelah melihat dan membantu teman-teman saya yang sama-sama menyusun Skripsi tentang pengembangan aplikasi mobile, saya menyadari bahwa kualitas aplikasi yang sedang saya buat itu jauh lebih tinggi daripada kebanyakan dari mereka. Mungkin bisa sampai tiga kali lipatnya dalam segi UI/UX, fungsionalitasnya (validasi form dll.), dan dokumentasinya. Akhir kata, saya bisa lega karena saya bisa meluangkan waktu yang lebih banyak untuk menyelesaikan Skripsi ini. Jika memungkinkan, saya juga akan memperkuat bagian pengujian dan evaluasi aplikasinya. Semua ini saya lakukan agar saya bisa lulus secara excellent, tidak hanya secara cepat.
Selamat tinggal WFO 9-to-5!
Minggu depan adalah minggu terakhir saya akan bekerja 9-to-5. Dan akhirnya saya bisa bebas. Yey! Kebiasaan yang akhirnya bisa saya tinggalkan itu membuat saya berpikir untuk dapat bekerja di luar jam kerja tersebut. Dan terlebih lagi, bukan perdebatan sekedar Work From Office (WFO) vs Work From Home (WFH). Tapi Work From Anywhere (WFA) dan lebih lagi, Work From Anywhere, Anytime (WFA+). Untuk bisa mencapai WFA+, sudah jelas saya harus berpikir untuk bekerja secara non-konvensional, meskipun sama-sama di dalam industri IT. Ini yang akan menjadi misi selanjutnya yang akan saya tempuh sebelum lulus kuliah.