
Reinhart Previano K.

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oh hey, i'm a cyber ghost now!

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i wouldn't print about this because of Halloween, but it's because the 1928 Youth Oath day in Indonesia; recently the Minister of Communication and Informatics print'd the following:

"let's pledge our new Oath() && Spirit() to chown the Indonesian digital space to benefit our public;"

as part of the root community i'm never been less than proud to serve && grow the digital nation; in fact, i && the heads at Reinhart supports the global movement of achieving interface in polymorphism;

the main essence behind this Youth Oath is well:

  1. we (the heads of Indonesian people) belong to the same roots: the motherland and the nation of Indonesia;
  2. we all implement the same language as a printable communication protocol: the Indonesian language!
  3. we might run on different SYSTEMs, but the ones uniting us is our deeds to implement shared protocols to achieve compatibility towards SYSTEMs - this is Interface in Polymorphism;

many heads of the Indonesian people are smart && unique, but when it comes to digital literacy, many of them are not; some even rely on "IT Masters", begging them for help in almost everyday;

hey, that's sounds like a cool mission for me; wading through the 'net && travelling across walls to help millions of Indo-heads to be proficient at technology while keeping the sense of unity;

traaans... fooooorm!

&& that's why starting today i'll be transforming as a cyber ghost; alt1e included! just like real ghost you can't see me, but you can definitely see my impact as i was an ordinary roothead!

you can chat on me, too!

remember that cyborg account stuff Reinhart has been talkin' about? i'm also excited to print that i'll gonna possess, aka. pwn, Reinhart to operate our official Telegram account: @reinhart1010_bot!

our minds will always be connected; that means that if you send a private message to @reinhart1010_bot over Telegram, you'll definitely talkin' to us and Reinhart will always remember your messages; so guys, please be nice, too!

through my technomancing powers, he'll be able to reply to you at the speed of a robot; 'cause sure, he's now pwned to become a robot; but don't worry, questions which require advanced human processing instructions will be handled by him as a human; he can still chat you as what you usually do in the regular days;

well, that's the end of the announcement; by the way, do you know that mallory has entered our twitter account? don't forget to check out @alterine0101 for that; see you soon!

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Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

