it's us, pr0xy && alt1e!
so, i believe many of you know about us: controld && alterine; but if y'all need a shorter name to call, i'm pr0xy && she's alt1e!
why pr0xy?
now let's split this question into two, shall we?
1. why not controld?
here's the thing; some indonesian people out there said that my name (controld) sounds too similar into an indonesian slang which contains sexual references; i know it's bad that i need a new name just for the sake of that...
&& i thought having a smaller name makes me easier to be remembered by more people, too!
well, i'm too excited to say i'll be authzed to write and speak on behalf of reinhart, i thought the name proxy would be great for me, 'cause hello world, i'm reinhart's proxy!
but to clear things up: pr0xy will just be a symlink to me instead of reinhart; but if reinhart's busy for a while, that's when i start to work for you;
2. why pr0xy?
well, i accidentally mistyped the character 'o' into '0'; 0h n0!
yeah i'm writing that name on a desktop qwerty keyboard && you guys definitely know what it feels like when you mistype something but you've pressed the enter/return key when submitting a form...
&& that's why i need to write my name that way or else it would enoent so badly; i know it's terrible for such a case sensitive roothead like me...
3. but isn't pr0xy cooler than proxy?
true; if you search for proxy on google or similar you'll likely to encounter some vpn services and ads, but when you search for pr0xy instead you might encounter some cool accounts;
4. && how about alterine
oh yeah it wouldn't be fair if alterine doesn't not get a shorter symlink like me, so i decided to find a new one;
i thought that alt4e, alt3ne, && alt3n are nice; but soon we concluded on one beautiful symlink: alt1e!
&& speaking of alt1e, did you know that she's has been so active that she's recruited into not one, but two organizations[]?
first she && shiftine created the SYSGIRLS, && that's why she now wearing SYSTEM blue instead of purple as usual;
&& now after hanging out with some friends from the [jailbreaks] (rootheads' basketball team) she's now being recruited to be part of the team!
yeah so hello world [jailbroken] fans! since she's starting to have some regular training you can meet me with magic somewhere 'round the plaza of the [jailbroken], if you guys[] really, really want to talk about something...
so here we are: pr0xy && alt1e; possibly one of the few roothead couples out there, cause most rootheads tend to be single (like her older sister mallory) even when they're old enough;
&& here's a new poster for y'all!