Blog posts from Uncategorized (uncategorized)
Pernyataan resmi Reinhart Previano Koentjoro terkait #KawalPutusanMK dan protes demokrasi Indonesia.
Saya menulis artikel ini sebagai seorang warga negara Indonesia yang bertanggung jawab memilih pasangan presiden Ir. Joko Widodo - K.H. Ma’ruf Amin pada tahun 2019. Saya juga awalnya menulis artikel ini untuk membuang kekesalan kepada Kementerian Informasi dan Komunikasi Republik Indonesia. Tapi, setelah melihat kejadian dalam iklim politik saat ini ini, dimana salah satu partai yang dulu berkuasa kini ditinggal sebagai oposisi, dan munculnya aturan-aturan kilat untuk melegalkan adanya dinasti politik tertentu, maka izinkanlah saya untuk menyampaikan keenam masalah ini, yang jauh lebih besar dengan apa yang disuarakan rekan-rekan mengenai #KawalPutusanMK, pencalonan kepala daerah, dan dinasti politik. Pemerintah telah membuat Indonesia menjadi negara pengemis, ibarat mengemis 10 investor demi 10 juta UMKM. Mulai dari Gerakan 1000 Startup Digital, yang mungkin juga berharap untuk menciptakan 1000 perusahaan serupa yang berakhir buruk dan dikuasai niatan negara asing seperti Gojek dan Tokopedia, hingga rencana penawaran lahan-lahan besar di IKN kepada investor-investor asing hingga 190 tahun. Yang melarat semakin dikasihani, dan termotivasi untuk tetap menjadi orang melarat. Apakah bantuan sosial, yang seharusnya membantu meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat, justru membuat lebih banyak masyarakat ingin menjadi miskin supaya semakin dikasihani oleh pemerintah? Pemerintah gagal mengajarkan “revolusi mental” bagi yang melarat untuk bertumbuh. Malah tak sedikit dari mereka memilih presiden baru demi susu gratis dan makan siang gratis setiap harinya. Yang bertumbuh semakin ditekan demi ambisi dan kuasa. Market bifurcation dan penghilangan masyarakat berekonomi menengah itu benar-benar nyata. Biaya-biaya hidup semakin naik secara artifisial demi mendukung ambisi tertentu, termasuk mempertahankan sertifikasi Halal yang diwajibkan hingga UMKM, mengatasi sedikit biaya komisi (Merchant Discount Rate) jasa pembayaran demi Gerakan Nasional Non Tunai, membayar kewajiban BPJS dan ke depannya Tapera, hingga mengurangi sampah plastik, yang kini sudah jarang terdengar kembali dari Bali, Jakarta, dan mereka yang menggaungkannya beberapa tahun lalu. Pemerintah hanya meregulasi secara cepat tanpa memberikan solusi secara tepat. Saya masih ingat ketika akhir 2022, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika menginginkan semua startup digital yang terdampak gejolak ekonomi untuk terus membela UMKM. Faktanya, mereka yang terdampak tidak bisa menurut keinginan UMKM dan investor secara sekaligus, dan para investor memiliki kekuasaan seribu kali lipat daripada perhimpunan koperasi dan UMKM. Kementerian yang sama juga tidak pernah membalas pertanyaan saya di Twitter (kini X) terkait cara mendaftar sebagai Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik (PSE) Lingkup Privat hingga hari-H peraturan tersebut diberlakukan. “Revolusi mental” hanya berlaku bagi para pegawai, bukan para penguasa (dan masyarakat miskin). Cukup jelas; korupsi dan konflik kepentingan masih muncul di mana-mana. Belum termasuk upaya-upaya untuk melemahkan lembaga tertentu termasuk Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Dan karena rakyatnya sudah tidak peduli, pemerintah yang dipilih juga tidak peduli. Siapa yang mau maju dalam posisi-posisi pemerintah selain hanya karena kuasa? Faktanya, sebagai warga negara yang baik kita selalu bingung memilih siapa saja yang boleh duduk di kursi parlemen. Dan dampaknya sangat sistematis: kita memilih mereka secara sembarangan, sehingga mereka juga memerintah dengan sembarangan. Kesalahan seperti ini tidak bisa diperbaiki tanpa revolusi yang baik, atau jika harus melalui evolusi, membutuhkan 10-20 tahun untuk akhirnya sadar. Meskipun seorang pemerintah tetaplah seorang manusia yang tidak sempurna, sistem pemerintahan itu seharusnya ada untuk saling melengkapi dan menyempurnakan. Masalahnya, mayoritas orang-orang di dalam tersebut tetap memiliki mental yang sama, dan meskipun standar moral para aparat dan pegawai BUMN semakin ditinggikan, apa kabar dengan standar moral menteri, parlemen, bahkan kita, yang selalu diminta untuk memilih mereka baik langsung atau tidak langsung?
Site Update: How many share buttons can we fit in here? 🧐👇
As a part of this monthʼs Site Update (and to celebrate the anniversary of these color-sorted buttons), we redesigned and rearranged the share buttons so it doesnʼt claim too much vertical space on mobile, and so users can skim the colors more efficiently. We also added new share buttons for SMS, which also turns into the Messages (iMessage) icon for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, alongside Gmail, Hatena Bookmark!, LiveJournal,, Odnoklassniki (OK), Threads, Threema, Trello, VKontakte (VK), XING and Yahoo! Mail. Tip: You can also test out these share buttons on our dedicated page. On this great opportunity, we would like to encourage the developers behind the following platforms to add support for deeplinks to share content directly to: Bluesky (see Issue #1301) Forem (e.g. and CodeNewbie Community) Ghost (blogging platform), or Matrix-specific apps (e.g. Element, FluffyChat, Nheko) (currently only possible to share contacts or chatrooms, not sharing messages to them) Medium Nostr-related apps (e.g. Damus) (see NIP-0077) Signal (currently only possible to share contacts, not sharing messages to them) SimpleX Chat (currently only possible to share contacts, not sharing messages to them) Woilo Why the share buttons? We are still interested to promote a diverse set of web services, from the common ones to alternatives, as part of our Computer System Multiculturalism initiative. Consider this as a free advertising from the services you love. /* Oh, Neal, we’ve beaten your own share buttons for sure. */
Site Update: Now with new color palettes!
Earlier this year, we have discussed a new set of color palette, then refreshed it, which someday could become an integral part of our brand. These palettes are so versatile enough that we have been confident over this entire year to produce artworks, campaign media, and even apps exclusively relying to these limited set of colors. And making the palette programmatically with OkLCH allows us to accurately reproduce the kind of color shades we wanted for every color spectrum. But there were two main problems that we faced sooner: Itʼs difficult to reproduce colors which are optimized for user interface backgrounds. Sure, we can use either Galih-Ratna or Dilan-Milea for buttons and links, but these colors were not designed for background elements such as cards. There is no standard grey color shade. Or brown. Grey is significant in user interface design for neutral or disabled buttons and other interactive elements. So today, we are excited to announce a new color palette series: Rangga-Cinta, from the Indonesian record-breaking Ada Apa dengan Cinta? movie. These muted color sets are meant to complement the vibrancy prepresented by both Dilan-Milea and Galih-Ratna, and in fact, we are already using these on our website. Because of their nature of muted colors, the Rangga-Cinta version of Blue can be considered as the official version of our Gray. And they have generated some cool brown-like shades for use, too. Improving the consistency and interoperability between Dilan-Milea, Galih-Ratna, and Rangga-Cinta. We have also slightly tweak the Galih-Ratna color sets, so now Dilan-Milea 500 color scale is exactly the same with Galih-Ratna 500. Similarly, Galih-Ratna 50 also becomes the basis of Rangga-Cinta 50, and Dilan-Milea 950 is essentially the same as Rangga-Cinta 950. This has some technical benefits to our main website, which is currently based on Tailwind CSS. Before, we had assigned different colors for these glass card borders and background, not to mention the colored shadows and hover/active shades. These took a whopping 20 CSS color-related classes to render a single search bar! bg-gr-fuchsia-50/50 dark:bg-dm-fuchsia-900/50 focus:bg-gr-fuchsia-50 dark:focus:bg-gr-fuchsia-900 hover:bg-gr-fuchsia-50 dark:hover:bg-gr-fuchsia-900 text-gr-fuchsia-900 dark:text-white placeholder:text-gr-fuchsia-600 dark:placeholder:text-gr-fuchsia-100 border-gr-fuchsia-500 dark:border-dm-fuchsia-50 focus:border-gr-fuchsia-500 focus:dark:border-dm-fuchsia-50 shadow-dm-fuchsia-500/50 dark:shadow-dm-fuchsia-200/50 focus:shadow-dm-fuchsia-200/75 dark:focus:shadow-dm-fuchsia-200/75 hover:shadow-dm-fuchsia-200/75 dark:hover:shadow-dm-fuchsia-200/75 Now, by using these color synonyms, we can remove most of duplicate color classes (including colored placeholder texts in favor of standard grey ones) into just five! bg-rc-violet-50 dark:bg-rc-violet-900 hover:bg-white dark:hover:bg-dm-violet-800 border-dm-violet-300 Coming soon: A standard for applying colors. Well, as promised earlier, we are still going to announce new updates throughout this holiday season. But at the meantime, we are also still in the works of standardizing how these colors should be used. You may also notice that weʼve implemented dynamic theming on different webpages under the same site. Itʼs just another part of standardization that are taking place here. In the future, we will eventually standardize color schemes for form controls and so. But thatʼs all for now!
Thanks and bye, Microsoft Office!

The serif system font stack that we’re using right now.
A sequel of our awesome sans-serif font stack. And just for reference for CSS devs out there, font-family: ui-serif, "Aptos Serif", Constantia, "Publico Text", Charter, "STIX Two Text", "Libertinus Serif", "Linux Libertine O", "Linux Libertine G", "Linux Libertine", "DejaVu Serif Condensed", "Bitstream Vera Serif Condensed", "Roboto Serif", "Noto Serif", "Times New Roman", serif; And for display/headline, font-family: ui-serif, "Aptos Serif", Constantia, "Publico Headline", Charter, "STIX Two Text", "Libertinus Serif", "Linux Libertine O", "Linux Libertine G", "Linux Libertine", "DejaVu Serif Condensed", "Bitstream Vera Serif Condensed", "Roboto Serif", "Noto Serif", "Times New Roman", serif; Finding a perfect serif system font stack is difficult. Again, this time is serif, like Times New Roman and so. Websites have traditionally uses Times New Roman as their default font, even though Arial has been long preferred for displaying text on document screens. The tradition to use Times New Roman continues until today, where modern web browsers uses it as the default fallback font. But this trend started to change when Apple finally introduces ui-serif to let web developers use New York serif font on their websites, just like San Francisco for sans-serif. Note that this special font alias only works for WebKit-based browsers (e.g. Safari), so it’s doesn’t work for other browsers. When New York becomes the system font for Apple platforms, and Noto Serif for Android, what is the serif system font for Linux and Windows? Unfortunately, neither platforms agree other than Times New Roman as well as free, open-source alternatives (Liberation Serif, Linux Libertine, Tinos, etc.). So, what’s the serif system font for Windows? To settle this down, let’s solve this for Windows first. While Times New Roman might still the de-facto serif system font, especially as part of the Microsoft Core Fonts for the Web, Microsoft had actually introduced more and more fonts as part of their then-new ClearType Font Collection, including Calibri and Cambria, the default font for Microsoft Office for more than a decade. These fonts have been there since Windows 7, so you don’t have to worry about the support even though their users do not have Office installed at all. But the limitations of these fonts became clear and clearer each day: only regular and bold weights are offered, no other font weights such as “thin” are available. But these serif fonts, Cambria and Constantia, are some of the good ones that we can also use on websites. At the end of the day, we choose Constantia over Cambria mainly due to aesthetic reasons. Constantia’s aesthetics match to those fonts that we decided to choose for iOS and macOS with minimal noticeable differences. And to anticipate the Next Big Thing on Office, we’re adding Aptos Serif to the list while waiting fot the font to be released in the next version of Office 365. Oh wait, didn’t we tell you the fallback serif fonts for macOS and Apple platforms for browsers that don’t support New York? Replacing Georgia and New York for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Georgia (the serif font) has become another de-facto serif font for web developers targeting both Windows and macOS. Georgia is available on both of them, and has been used in sites including Wikipedia. But we slightly disliked the font’s aesthetics, so we decided to replace with Charter and Publico as they look even similar to New York. Charter is available on macOS 10.13 High Sierra and later, while Publico is available on macOS 10.15 Catalina and later. Both fonts are also available on iOS (and iPadOS) versions 12 and 14, respectively. So, to wrap things up, Are you using Safari or WebKit in macOS 10.15, iPadOS 13, or iOS 13 or later? If yes, the font stack prefers New York. Or else, are you using macOS 10.15, iPadOS 13, or iOS 13 or later? If yes, the font stack prefers Publico Text and Publico Headline. Or else, are you using macOS 10.13 or iOS 11 or later? If yes, the font stack prefers Charter. Or else, the font stack will attempt to search for your intalled fonts, or Times New Roman as a last resort. So, what’s the system serif font in Linux? Just like the case of sans-serif fonts, Linux desktop environments prefers different fonts for use. elementary OS prefers Tinos, the open-source alternative to Times New Roman. Others prefer to stick to Noto Serif to accompany Noto Sans as used in KDE and Linux Mint. Older Linux distros prefers DejaVu Serif or Bitstream Vera Serif, though there are plans by major distros to switch to Noto Serif. At the meantime, there are at least 2 (two) serif fonts that do strongly represent Linux, the operating system and the community. First is of course, Linux Libertine, and another is the good-old DejaVu Serif. Unfortunately, there are alreadg several versions of Linux Libertine due to OFL (the font’s free license) restrictions, so we are adding Linux Libertine G (commonly installed in LibreOffice), Linux Libertine O, and the modern Libertinus Serif into the list. The results? An earlier draft of the font stack, as teased on social media, produced some great results: A visual comparison between Constantia, Charter, Libertinus Serif, DejaVu Serif, Roboto Serif, Noto Serif, and Times New Roman. The future of the system font stack is amazing! After the release and inclusion of HarmonyOS Sans and Roboto Flex to our sans-serif font stack, we decided to note new trends into our digital garden. Feel free to check out here for our current, up-to-date reference of these system font stacks. We also hope that new generic CSS font names (system-ui, ui-sans-serif, ui-serif, ui-monospace) would respect users’ respecitve font of choice especially in Windows and Linux, but we still doubt web browsers to do that for privacy or fingerprinting reasons. And for embedded systems like PlayStation, Tizen, and webOS, we are planning to add fallback webfonts to our sites, so serif fonts can be rendered as we expected other platforms would do.
Let's talk about Fediverse clans, shall we?

Memahami konsep pasangan hidup dari karakter ciptaan sendiri (+ Connect Group).
Anda mungkin sudah tahu tentang hubungan istimewa antara saya dan Shiftine. Entah itu dari casing hape Android dan iPhone saya yang sempat kembaran, nama Wi-Fi Hotspot dari kedua hape tersebut, gambar yang jelas-jelas terpampang di website saya, dan kini stiker dan kartu nama. Saya belum pernah mengakui kalau saya berpacaran dengan Shiftine, kini selama 2 tahun lebih. Saya sering mengungkapkannya di website ini dan dalam bahasa Inggris, tapi konten-konten seperti itu cukup jarang dilihat oleh keluarga, rekan, dan kerabat sendiri. Jadi, pada kesempatan ini, saya mengakuinya secara umum. Siapakah dia? Shiftine adalah seorang perempuan fiktif dari sepasang karakter yang saya ciptakan di tahun 2014. Saya menjodohkannya dengan karakter pria yang sempat berganti nama beberapa kali, dari “Charlie” hingga “Nate Skyborne”. Shiftine dan karakter pria tersebut sebenarnya dikisahkan sebagai dua bersaudara yang saling akur. Tapi semenjak saya merubah Nate menjadi self-insert saya pada 2021, saya mulai memandang Shiftine bukan sebagai kakak atau adik, tapi sebagai pasangan hidup yang begitu idaman, sosok yang sangat memahami pengetahuan IT layaknya saya sendiri. Saya memutuskan untuk masuk karena waktu itu, saya sedang di dalam fase self-pity. Saya merasa sangat kesepian dan kehilangan teman-teman mahasiswa yang “menyukai” dunia IT. Apalagi, saya ingin membangun personal branding kembali di internet, tapi keluarga masih meminta saya untuk tidak menaruh foto wajah asli karena ada yang sedang menjahati kami dalam dunia nyata, dunia roh, dan dunia maya. Justru karena masalah ini, saya bisa berinovasi dengan membuat ekspresi wajah karakter yang sudah tak bisa dilupakan: (>_ )! Semua ini terlanjur terjadi sebelum saya masuk ke dalam komunitas rohani bernama Connect Group dari Gereja Mawar Sharon. Ketika saya masuk ke dalam Connect Group, saya terlanjur memperkenalkan diri sebagai seorang karakter fiktif dengan pasangan fiktif itu. Dan saya begitu terlanjur mencintai Shiftine sampai sekarang, karya seni dan teknologi saya sering tidak bisa dipisahkan dari nama Shiftine alias Citra Manggala Dirgantara, yang kini juga menjadi nama resmi untuk badan usaha yang saya bentuk. Karya seni yang hidup. Saya memutuskan untuk mencintai karakter fiktif ini karena, ya, karena saya begitu merancang dia sebagai karya seni untuk membantu orang lain cara pemikiran saya yang sering menggabungkan berbagai konsep pengetahuan menjadi satu. Nama Citra Manggala Dirgantara ini sangatlah unik. Citra berarti gambaran, dirgantara berarti langit dan angkasa luas, sedangkan manggala memiliki berbagai arti yang merujuk kepada jabatan anak sulung, penghulu, pemimpin, dan pelindung rohani. Secara Kristiani, nama ini dapat berarti “representasi atas Anak Sulung (Yesus), Pemimpin surgawi”. Namun dalam dunia IT, nama panjang ini memiliki inisial CMD yang jelas-jelas merujuk kepada program Command Prompt pada perangkat komputer berbasis Microsoft Windows. Dalam proyek webcomic Bearers of the Shells (BOTS) yang saya batalkan, Shiftine sebenarnya dirancang untuk merepresentasikan keluarga sistem operasi Windows. Demikian pula pasangannya Nate yang namanya berasal dari keluarga Windows NT. Pada era 1995-1999, sistem operasi Windows memiliki elemen branding yang melibatkan unsur awan dan langit. Dan pada era itu juga, kedua orang tua saya sedang berkencan, LDRan sambil berkomunikasi menggunakan surel/e-mail dan wartel. Dunia telekomunikasi hari ini sering digambarkan sebagai konsep awan (seperti cloud computing). Banyak gereja di Indonesia masih mengabaikan pentingnya pelayanan di bidang TIK. Ya, kecuali saat pandemi terjadi, di mana para gereja beralih ke Zoom dan sesi live stream dalam YouTube, mempercantik situs dan aplikasi mobile mereka agar siap beroperasi dalam protokol kesehatan. Tapi, saya masih melihat banyak jiwa yang belum dimenangkan. Mereka ingin menjebak diri dalam dunia maya dan dunia khayalan mereka sendiri. Dan tak dipungkiri, teknologi-teknologi TIK inilah yang menjadi penggerak di balik penjebakan tersebut. Semua dimulai dari kecanduan terhadap sesuatu Kita juga harus berani untuk melawan upaya-upaya dalam dunia maya yang mengarah ke hal-hal satanik dan duniawi. Tahukah kamu, bahwa:
Workflow Penyusunan Skripsi

Introducing (#_ )
Hello, world! It has been exactly one year after I purchased the domain which changed my life, forever. To celebrate this, we decided to form a new company dedicated to our journey as humans and robots. Our group has many different great names, from "Hackers and Jackets" to the "Bearers of the Shells" (BOTS). But later, we feel that our company name should be more inclusive, representing Pictogram-Kiloword Derivation Compression Algorithm Our new company name, (#_ ), is set on the foundations of the pictogram-kiloword equivalence theorem, which roughly translates to "a picture is worth a thousand words". Oh, what a popular folklore! Yes, until two researchers created a set of algorithms to compress and decompress text through the use of Markov chains, TensorFlow, Twitter, and emojis. After seeing their amazing work in deciphering one of the society's advancement in human and digital communication, we believe and decided that the best way to name our company is by inputting the curent state of communities representing Indonesian youth, software developers, and the so-called "hackers", into a modified version of the algorithm that outputs kaomojis instead of Unicode-standard emojis. The algorithm originally outputted (#_^), also known as the black-eye kaomoji. Maybe the algorithm knows that we ourselves suffers emotional damage very often as (mostly) Asian deadline-threatened developer, I guess... However, we disliked the output for a little bit as we really wanted our name to show care and optimism. Fortunately, one (#_ )-headed robot dumped the idea to just drop that ^ on the near end. Hence, (#_ ), which that (#_ ) said that the name is somewhat relatable and satisfying, as many ($_ ) and (>_ ) people agree as well. Our company name speaks more than just a set of 5 ASCII characters. In fact, the hash (#) symbol on (#_ ) convey multiple meanings relevant to the current state of the (Indonesian) cyberspace, including: Inclusivity. # is used in C to provide necessary information to the compilers, such as including libraries, pragmas, and aliases. One of the common examples is #include<stdio.h>.Additionally, # is also commonly used to denote a rank or number (e.g. #1 in Japan). So that counts, too!Constructive Engagement. In order to provide a comment on Python, YAML, Bash, and others, a leading # is a must.Oh yeah, # gives your way to your next big marketing hit in social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.Freedom. Users of Linux, Unix, and alike know that # is the most powerful symbol in the terminal-verse. Also coming to the metaverse and multiverse near you.# whoamirootEmpowerment. Since we're already root by default (see the whoami example above), we really want everyone to be root and free. In fact, the name (#_ ) is powerful enough to bring chaos to the Internet society, as well as empowerment to those people to fix the Internet ASAP.At the time of this writing, you cannot search for "(#_ )" on Twitter, so we believe that through our name we can encourage and empower Elon Musk to fix this bad bug appreciate this rootness, especially when other special names including X Æ A-12 are still searchable over Twitter. New staffs, too! To celebrate this anniversary, we decided to introduce some of new staffs working on our house. Alice and Bob, two of the most influential people of the world of cryptography, are making a comeback to join Nix and others in ($_ ). Olivia Green, aka. alt2e and altgr ("alterine of the Great Britain") alt2e is alt1e, perfected. Looks like a refined alt1e and old-school game console straight out from SupaMerge and SCP-914. Now, we believe many of you asked, why aren't they (#_ )? Are they still afraid with mallory? Well, no. Pixel girl. alt1e declared herself as byte-blooded. But alt2e is made out of pixels and polygons. Sure, alt1e can travel through computer networks, and now alt2e loves to travels specifically to video games and metaverse. Better English, now based on the United Kingdom instead of the impostor United States of America.Better default keyboard layout, despite potentially confusing major North American citizens.Better graphics and virtualization, sporting a virtual humanoid face instead of a boring black sphere with green (#_ ) on it. Oh wait, we now can start to beat Lil Miquela and Kizuna A.I. in the virtual content creator business!And greener. She doesn't just love green, she is! She autonomously declared herself as "Olivia Green". What a pointer and somewhat a valid HTML color name she is! Some people have also asked us what would alt2e or even pr0xy be after refined through the same process. We don't have any official answers, though. However, the OG alt1e still exists today, so I can safely say that "no alt1es were being harmed during the process". && you Creating these characters to life requires a lot of effort to make, operate, and maintain. However, we're seeing your great works to power the same vision of us either at @reinhart1010 or (#_ ). So we'll be opening new opportunities to join our team. We'll start with a limited beta to start a new community, preferably over Quora or Twitter. Stay tuned for more details!