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Java and Google Chrome Browser vs Java and Opera Browser (NPAPI Plugin Shutdown)

Chrome 42 plans to disable NPAPI plugins (including Oracle’s Java) by default. You can see how to enable java on Google Chrome here. However, Opera still enables the NPAPI plugins by default. You can see the settings in your Opera at opera://flags. (via Java and Google Chrome Browser)

Chrome, Firefox, Opera: Themes

[gallery] Chrome, Firefox, Opera: Themes In the above image, Google Chrome wins the personalization. You can personalize from the frame to the bottom tooltip. Then, in Firefox you can only personalize the header and footer. Finally, Opera only allows you to change the background image of their special pages, such as Speed Dial, Options, Settings, etc.

Project Spartan is now Microsoft Edge!

[gallery] Even though there are problems while viewing some pages such as Google+ on Spartan, the fixed name for the project Spartan is Edge. Still do not have any idea why it is called Edge, not IE12 such as from Opera Next to Opera Beta, while the results are shipped to the Opera browser itself.

Chromium-Based Browsers

Q: Excuse me, are there any other chromium-based browser other than Google Chrome and Opera? A: Yes, there are actually many chromium-based browsers since chromium is open source project, such as SRWare Iron and Dragon browser. However, some elements are not as same as Google Chrome because Google modifies the element, for example the bookmarking experience.

Q: Is Maxthon Cloud browser is chromium-based or firefox-based browser?

[gallery] Q: Is Maxthon Cloud browser is chromium-based or firefox-based browser? A: Actually, it is both. While you are playing a song in Maxthon Cloud Browser, the components are similar to Google Chrome. However, if you visit to about:config in both Firefox and Maxthon Cloud Browser, it would be different. NB: I used Firefox Developer Edition In Maxthon Cloud Browser, it will show you the settings. However in Firefox, it will show you configurations (more advanced than chrome://flags in Google Chrome).

Send and Share Websites on Mozilla Firefox!

[gallery] First, did you know that Mozilla Firefox have services to send and to do other commands? If you visit on Mozilla Services Activation website you can install share services, including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and Gmail. Yahoo Mail and have not created the services plugins, but if you want to send to email, you can do it using ‘Email Link’ function in Firefox. I Google Chrome, there is no official feature from Google to share to multiple accounts instead of install Chrome extensions from its web store.

Perjuangan Pembuatan Website BotolCabe

Berawal dari kata “BotolCabe” yang berisi dua kata, yaitu kata “botol” dan “cabe”. Botol digunakan untuk tempat menyimpan cairan dan benda padat. Cabe bersifat pedas, namun kata pedas dalam berita bermakna berita hangat, berita terbaru, dan berita terkini. Awalnya terinspirasi dari omongan salah satu grup di BlackBerry Messenger yaitu kata “#botolcabe” (Salah satu hashtag di Twitter). Warna tema kami yang berwarna merah bermakna dua, yaitu gambar cabe matang pada umumnya dan menunjukkan website ini dibuat di Indonesia. Dulu, website lama kami menggunakan tema berwarna jingga. Pertama kali, saya menggunakan untuk membuat website. Saya punya akunnya, namun tidak terpakai hingga sekarang. Website kami kini siap memberi informasi menarik. Selamat menikmati. Admin BotolCabe anda, Reinhart Previano

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

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