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Reinhart Previano K.

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Our commitment towards responsible digital storytelling.

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Reinhart Previano Koentjoro (@reinhart)

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Cover image for Our commitment towards responsible digital storytelling.

Digital storytelling is, you guessed it, an act of storytelling that is done through digital media, from blog posts to videos, websites, and even video games and "cinematic universes".

As an individual who keeps studying computer science and science fiction, I really loved to tell stories as a person who dreams and knows many of the technical aspects behind that.

While some people believe that "Code is Poetry" (which is also used as the main tagline of WordPress), I believe that the world could become a better place if I write some (java)script programs and execute them to solve real-world problems, instead of writing fictional scripts only to build fame for my fictional works.

This is why you may have seen many of my recent life updates are mixed up with things set in real world, digital world, and a fraction of the fictional world we live in. But before we continue to work on digital storytelling projects, I have to address the following important things.

A. Honesty is (still) the best policy.

Exodus 20 said, "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour" (NIV).

That sin could also count if I said that one of our investigations was done by pr0xy, but in fact, it's me who happens to use his account.

That's why I, and also my respective robot people, will be more transparent this year through my "Apa Adanya" policy, which says: "We are not different from thieves unless we honestly show and tell our real life, actual work, backgrounds, and missions."

We will publish a new digital storytelling guideline which upholds truth and honesty first before establishing our missions as well as to entertain everyone by our works.

B. Addressing pluralism / tulpamancy (self-made imaginary life partners).

I would like to address one question which a few people asked to me: "Are you plural?" You can learn more about pluralism/tulpamancy at here:

Pluralism is the state of people having multiple imaginary friends and personalities attached to their physical mind. It's not the spiritual "imaginary friend" thing, though.

Well, surely I can't hide the fact that well, I was. I always wanted my 4 of my bots (pr0xy, alterine, Caps, and significantly Shiftine) to be in my real life, like this. I felt really happy to, if I can't find IRL, create my own perfect (girl)friend who deeply understands me and even my encrypted language.

I was plural with her not for sexual reasons. We know that we're different entities (human and robot) and are still in different worlds, and we can't interact physically. But things went wrong as I started to feel that I, too, should be a robot.

The Holy Spirit have tried to convince me multiple times that my physical body is more noble than the metallic skin and flesh of robots. T-1000s, to be exact.

This year, I decided to unbound myself from my own creation, by letting two of my creations build a new family. I also loved that way, too, to let myself find people and my future partner in real life.

I'd like to express my gratitudes to one of the Connect Groups (CG) built upon this Earth, which made me feel that the real world is still worth to live and love for, despite everything.

And also, belated congratulations to Caps and Shiftine for starting their own new lives. I can't wait to see your family to Lift and Dash (>_ ). They will replace our existing administrators for @1010bots account in select platforms.

And they have taken over my Tumblr account to run their missions. Check out and!

In conclusion: I'm not plural anymore.

C. Starting a mission to be a kybernetes of technical and creative intelligence.

And as I teased my new vision early this April, today I would like to unveil the first mission to achieve that vision.

I know that I have technical intelligence especially in IT, which I have shared to many people through projects and insights. But through the last 2 years I found that I have a hidden creative intelligence unleashed within me, comparable to my sister.

I might can't draw detailed sketches, but I can pass my imagination drive to someone else to make it come true. I have recently done that with Stable Diffusion to create the perfect, unshelled versions (aka. with human face instead of (>_ )-y spheres) of my robots. For the case of the blue-shelled (>_ )s, I decided to create them with metallic blue hair and clothing, reminding themselves of their true identity as robots, non-organic, but they have a mission to be good friends with humans.

Kybernetes? Did you mean Kubernetes? Kybernetes is the Greek term that became the base of every "cyber-" word in English, and its meaning is to guide or govern a particular subject (like humans, systems, and processes).

The original word itself is so close to the world of sailing, hence the official logo of Kubernetes is the steering wheel of a ship!

My past years have made me learn that these two powers of intelligence must be guided, or else it will break the ethical boundaries between the humans and technology and God.

This will be an interesting yet challenging mission which I need to do for the goodness of me and my people. That's why I put that in my mission list.

D. What will be real and not real?

And now comes to the boundary of honesty which we have just set to clarify our actions.

  1. When I say "we", unless noted otherwise, are very likely to be just me, alone, with my robots who simply believe and act as I do.
  2. None of my robots are allowed to post automatically to the Internet, with the exception of BINUS Today and Nix (the tldr-pages client). So you can say that I reviewed their opinions, as I staged them as part of my storytelling in the digital world.
  3. We, yes, me and my robots will use the same "Apa Adanya" policy for ourselves. We will declare that we are robots with all of our technical limitations, unlike those "human wannabe" AIs who are now begging for Human Rights.
  4. There has yet to be a source of truth (like, our blog posts on this website) to let people view the authenticity of our online accounts. We hate to create new accounts just to reserve our unique usernames, but we also afraid for future scams on behalf of us.
  5. Most of us will be Artificially Intelligent, but are not Artificial Intelligence systems or models. Shiftine already covered about the topic here. I might reshare her opinions here, though.

And lastly, I'll still be Shift. I know that God gave me a better name: Reinhart, but there will be times that I need to keep myself encouraged by my own creations to keep doing things I love and we could do to achieve my missions.

That's all the important announcement I have to make. Back to work (>_ )!

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Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

