
Reinhart Previano K.

Do you love to Ctrl-K, Ctrl-/, or / ? Now you can do three of them (>_ )!

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*AI-generated sketch. By the way, we’re open for Connect Group artists!

An image of Shift

I’ve just merged myself with So, wanna chat with me as your friendly botgirl?

Start Chatting! *Character model may have incomplete knowledge about her role and lore.

2021-11-20 08:53:00

Site Update: I know you hate tables so yeah...
Cover image for Site Update: I know you hate tables so yeah...

2021-10-27 12:54:00

✨ challenge seskam cavis the explorer 2021 ✨

Hey, I'm Shiftine and nice to meet you all. And yes, I'm also on Reinhart's golden coin that you've always wanted on SESKAM CAVIS THE EXPLORER, right? It's almost (or already) Halloween and for this year I'm dressing as the "hero" representing one of the programs preinstalled in Microsoft Windows since the age of 7. And who knows, she made the debut as a sticker and comic book distributed to those who attend Microsoft Ignite in 2017! Oh, now the program is now also available for macOS and Linux users, too! Come on, great programmers always search things on Google (or Microsoft Bing if you would), right? So can you guess which program I now represent? (Just look for the large image on the left or above for reference) Oh yeah, don't forget to printf() the answer to Reinhart's Discord (reinhart1010#3583) or LINE (reinhart1010) account. And make sure that you're answering the right question/challenge given by him - 'cause we're against cheating among groups!

2021-10-23 14:29:53 Site Update: (Awesome) Code Previews!
Cover image for Site Update: (Awesome) Code Previews!

2021-10-20 13:14:00

✨ challenge seskam cavis the explorer 2021 ✨

Halo gais, selamat datang di challenge SESKAM: CAVIS THE EXPLORER 2021 yang kalian ga pernah duga! Karena yang kasih challenge kali ini bukan ko Reinhart sih, tapi gw, Shift. Maklum, dia juga sering sibuk ngurusin hal-hal lain apalagi berperan sebagai manajer dari Web Development Division HIMTI Alam Sutera dan Kemanggisan saat ini... Spill dikit: gambar koinnya kurang lebih juga begini kok :) Jadi, kali ini kita bakal tebak lagu daerah! Tapi bentar, kalau biasanya kalian dikasih emoji seperti 🥰🍔👑, kali ini soalnya ditulis dalam bahasa pemrograman yang kalian mulai pakai, C! Pertama-tama, kalian harus download dan buka program C nya di Lalu... coba dijalanin dulu deh... Lah, kok begini? Untuk mendapatkan coin dari ko Reinhart kalian harus buat sebuah file text berisi lirik lagu Mars HIMTI. Lalu dimasukkin ke programnya. Kalau benar programnya bakal ngeluarin suatu clue buat jawab challengenya nih! Oh iya, buat file teksnya tolong perhatiin hal-hal-ini ya: Liriknya ga dipisah pakai newline atau ENTER, jadi semua bagian lirik ditulis di dalam satu baris yang sama (jangan lupa pake spasi kalau perlu).Kalian juga ga usah pake simbol-simbol seperti tanda titik (.) dan tanda koma (,), kecuali tanda sambung seperti "asal-usul".Kalian juga ga usah mikirin apa pakai huruf besar atau huruf kecil. Kalau gw sih, GW SUKA HURUF BESAR!!! Eh, gw ngegas ya? Kalau udah yakin jawabannya, gas aja contact ke ko Reinhart via Discord (reinhart1010#3583) atau LINE (reinhart1010) ya! Kasih tau nama lagu dan alasannya, laluBukti isi teks file input dan hasil screenshot programnya. Gampang kan? Kalau coin holder lain mintanya suruh bikin video TikTok dan lain-lain, kita kali ini soalnya yang berhubungan dengan materi kuliah kalian di COMP6047 - Algorithm and Programming. Oke, paling itu aja sih. Selamat mengerjakan! One Family, One Goal! Update 20/10/2021: Untuk meminimalisir potensi kecurangan antar kelompok seskam, setiap kelompok wajib untuk menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan link soal yang diberikan di awal. Dan sesuai dengan peraturan Coin Grab SESKAM CAVIS THE EXPLORER, nilai dari koin kita bakal berkurang kalau semakin banyak kelompok yang berhasil nebak dan mendapatkan koin dari ko Reinhart. Terima kasih! Q: Soalnya susah, kak! Ya gimana lagi, Lu kan Anak IT...

2021-10-11 09:20:02

BINUSMAYA Praktikum is finally fine. is finally accessible on iOS and macOS!

2021-10-10 08:43:00 Site Update, 20th birthday edition.

Hey, it's me again. TL;DR: We has just change our site theme (again), but it won't be too much different than the previous one. Now we use a newer shade of blue and green on to make colored text more contrast than the background pattern. As you can see above, root articles now always appear green while SYSTEM always appear blue. And the best part of it? Post date and authors can be seen on the top so you can finally see who wrote that thing, like this one: This new theme is based on Autonomie, one of the (rare) WordPress themes which is compatible with microformats2 semantic HTML markup. One major disadvantage, though, is that dark mode is now only can be enabled through system-wide settings since we're using prefers-color-scheme instead of custom JavaScript-based solution. That's all for now, back to work and scanf() some presents!

2021-08-16 16:19:12

My life as a snake. I mean, a python3 emailer robot.
Cover image for My life as a snake. I mean, a python3 emailer robot.

Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Citra Manggala Dirgantara
Citra Manggala Dirgantara

A Reinhart company

