Blog posts from Just another Hackjacks story (hackjacks)
Viral-Driven and Virality-Driven Development (VDD).
Viral-Driven Development, even though sounds similar, is quite different than Virality-Driven Development. And when we said about VDD, it's the latter one. We have to write about this in the midst of latest, trending Internet products which just made everything in this world better and worse. Whether it's Shopee with its infamous ads and promotions (e.g. get a $0.99 discount if you've purchased $499 here), TikTok, other shady TikTok clones (like the infamous Shopee Video) and so. But to make things clear, Viral-Driven products are those who are built upon existing trends. But Virality-Driven products are those who are built with intentions to make everything viral and trending, and practically TikTok is one of them. Both kinds of products are highly exploitable, and that's why people To give some examples of Viral-Driven ones, let's start with Linktree. Linktree was not intentionally meant to be viral, instead it tries to solve what's hiddenly infamous and popular on Instagram: the inability to attach (more than one) links under the same account. But the rest of the competitors, like Beacons and Desty and Koji and so on, they are instead Virality-Driven. They already know that Linktree will become a hit in the Instagram space, so they hoped the same kind of fortune by creating clones of Linktree. Gojek is another Viral-Driven product, where they saw opportunities by marrying between three viral things: Jakarta's traffic, (infamous) motorcycle taxi convenience, and specifically those pre-9 and after-5 commuting traffic. Sure, mature competitors like Grab finally compete with them, but remember that during the early years of Gojek, they faced (and eventually won) the competition from smaller, Virality-Driven apps and companies: BlueJek, CyberJek, LadyJek, and others. Sometimes, Virality-Driven product development are not always done by cheap competitors of popular services. And TikTok is just a clear example. TikTok Shop? What!? At a glance they might want to compete with Facebook Marketplace which has become popular in several niches of users. TikTok for Business!?!? What the heck? Now you expect businesses to walk along the same viral path from your days? One of the most non-sensible things TikTok have launched, as a Virality-Driven company, is TikTok Food. Yes, an official food store that sells dishes and snacks as viral on TikTok. Sure, there are still many virality-driven example out there. We're watching you, Shopee. But I think that's for another story.
New Year, New Keys: Exciting PGP and Git updates from us, coming 2022.

Becoming pr0xy, the cyborg account


Uniting with my code, for a healthier and productive life.

Mimpi seorang Reinhart 'tuk menjadi manusia saat siang dan robot saat malam.
Mohon maaf nih, ini maksudnya apa ya? Oh, hai! Jadi ceritanya aku lagi bikin sebuah akun bot Telegram. Lebih tepatnya akun cyborg sih. Cara kerjanya mirip dengan @livegrambot yang sudah dipakai oleh banyak orang untuk menbuat bot Customer Service di Telegram. Biasanya, sebuah akun bot yang menggunakan @livegrambot akan selalu nerusin pesan dari pengguna menuju ke pemilik bot (biasanya staf atau tim Customer Service), dan akun cyborg ini juga akan melakukan hal yang sama. Tapi bedanya, melalui akun cyborg ini aku bisa balas chat kalian tanpa harus gw liat isinya satu per satu. Bahkan, dengan kekuatan aku untuk berubah menjadi robot yang bermultithreading, aku juga bakal bisa balas chat kalian meskipun aku tidur nyenyak di kasur. Lah, kok bisa? Lalu gimana caranya? Oke nih, kalian pernah tau Turing test ga nih? Intinya, di dalam Turing test kamu bakal ditantang buat cari tahu mana yang robot dan mana yang bukan, tanpa harus melihatnya secara fisik. Kamu hanya bisa nebak dari cara mereka balas pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajuin di dalam komputer. Nah, saat kamu ngechat sama aku via akun cyborg ini, ibaratnya kamu juga masuk di ruangan Turing test yang sama. Tapi bedanya, kalau di dalam Turing test sang robot harus meyakinkan dia lebih "manusiawi" daripada si manusia, di dalam chat ini kita bakal selalu yakinin kalau kita itu sama-sama manusia dan robot. Kelihatannya agak aneh ya? Karena aku juga tau beberapa orang bakal merasa insecure kalau aku bilang bahwa diriku sebuah robot (takut dighosting sama si robot, ya kan?), kita bakal kasih tau bahwa Reinhart itu manusia pas siang dan robot di malam, jadi kalau mau ngechat si dia pas jamnya orang Indo istirahat, tolong kalau bisa isi chatnya bisa dipahami sama si robot ya 🦾 Nah, untuk teknisnya, aku sudah kasih tau ya kalau sang robot (program yang menerima dan memproses chat Telegram kamu) bakal tetep terusin pesanmu ke aku, tapi kalau dia merasa kalau dia beneran paham apa yang kamu maksud, misalnya nanya untuk cara daftar acara HISHOT 2021, dia bakal balas dengan seadanya. Btw, nama robotnya Sketchy yang bisa diartikan "kurang jelas", "kurang teliti", dan bahkan "kurang aman". Ya maklum lah, dia kan juga robot yang perhatian dan pingin bantu di masa-masa tersulit kamu... meskipun ga sempurna... cie kek pacaran aja... Dan tentunya, kamu nanti juga bisa pakai beberapa perintah garis miring (seperti /help) kalau kamu ga sabar dan pingin langsung dijawab sama si dia yang aktif 24/7. Lalu, kamu buat akun cyborg buat apa? Lalu apa manfaatnya? Karena menjadi (akun) cyborg menyenangkan banget, gais! Nih daftarnya: Aku gausah repot ngingetin beberapa hal, karena semuanya udah aku simpan di dalam programnya!Impian multithreadingku tercapai di sini!Dan karena itu, aku bisa sleep() lebih lama karena mayoritas tugasku selesai lewat robot.Nomor telepon aku bakal lebih susah bocor via akun bot/cyborg ketimbang akun pengguna biasa.Dan tentunya, aku bakal lebih susah dimasukkin ke grup Telegram sembarangan. Ya, karena banyak grup komunitas Telegram melarang orang memasukkan akun bot tanpa seijin admin, termasuk grup Telegram komunitas Kotakode sendiri. Tapi, ada beberapa masalah teknis nih kalau aku berubah menjadi seorang cyborg, termasuk: Agak sulit ngenal sama kamu. Apalagi kamu yang nama aslinya "Jessica" tapi di Telegram nama kamu "MANTAN PACAR TERINDAH SI REINHART", atau "Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--"Gabisa telpon dan video call via akun bot. Ya cukup jelas lah.Sama mau ga mau aku harus chat sama kamu via website khusus, gabisa via Telegram biasa. Beda sama LINE Official Account dan, aku gabisa log in ke akun bot di aplikasi Telegram biasa. Bahkan, Telegram juga ga sepenuhnya nyimpan riwayat chat buat akun bot, makanya harus aku simpan sendiri. Tapi tentunya, #PastiAdaJalan dengan Algoritma, bukan Gojek ya gais! Kemungkinan besar aku akan bikin situs buat kalian untuk login dan mastiin bahwa yang ngechat aku barusan adalah kamu, bukan si Impostor. Dan ga hanya itu, aku juga kemungkinan akan merilis sebagian besar program dan website untuk akun cyborg aku secara open-source, biar kalian juga bisa bikin akun cyborg sendiri. Dan kapan akunnya bakal dirilis? Saat ini sih aku punya @reinhart1010_bot, cuman lagi dipakai Controld dan Alterine buat bantu panita TECHNO 2021: ERA untuk benahin masalah pendaftaran peserta di Kalau udah selesai (pada akhir September), baru kita takeover biar bisa ngechat sama kalian. Dan akhir kata... Kita bakal posting progress persatuan cyborg kita baik di situs maupun situs Dan tentunya, semua #PastiAdaJalan dengan Algoritma. Beneran!
Human at Day, Robot at Night: A brief explanation of my cyborg account dreams.
What? So, I am planning to create a Telegram bot account. Or to be precise, a cyborg account. It works quite similar to @livegrambot, a Telegram bot builder used to create and manage thousands of feedback bot accounts out there. A typical @livegrambot-powered Telegram bot acts as a proxy between Telegram users who contacted the bot, with the ones who created the bot (usually a support staff or team). The cyborg account that I'm developing, will definitely be similar, too! I can read all your sent messages, send, reply, delete, and even ban you. But when you say some magic words, my mechanical parts will uncontrollably move my hands and fingers to reply to you as quick as possible, even when I'm sleeping and don't know who you are! Oh no, I'm enchanted! Just kidding! But to be honest, that magical thing could be one of the benefits of chatting with me through a cyborg account. You can ask me anything, and if that falls into one of the Frequently-Asked Questions you'll likely to get your answers from me even when I'm not reading your message... yet! How does it work? Okay, have you guys know about the famous Turing test? Basically it's a test where someone, physically separated from a person and a self answering program/machine (which I assumed as a robot), tries to guess which one's the human and which one's the robot. When you are interacting through my cyborg account, you're basically in that test room chatting with me as a human and my self-answering program as a robot. But instead of convincing you that my program is more human than me, we are convincing you that we are humans and robots at the same time. Some of you might be confused and feel less comfortable when I say I'm a robot. That's the reason why we finally just want to convince you that I'm a human at day, and robot at night! If you want me to better understand you when it's night time in Indonesia, try speaking to me as if you're talking to a robot. Well, why? Cause I am a robot 🤖. (Or to be precise, I'm unavailable at night so my robot will try to understand your questions.) Now, let's jump into some technical details, shall we? When you talk normally to me, the bot will relay the message to me as usual, while scanning for keywords which could potentially be answered instantly. For example, if you send a text message which the bot highly believes that you ask for guidance to register for HISHOT 2021, the bot will confidently reply with instructions to register for that event. Or else, the bot will try to guess the topic of your message regardless of confidence levels. It might be tiring for you to send messages like "Hey Reinhart, can you join this Zoom meeting", or "Don't forget to remind me to send the document" repetitively, and that's why you have the chance to summon my 24/7 robotic entity to answer questions and perform actions quickly by using the infamous slash commands. Wanna learn more how to use a specific Command Prompt command? Send /tldr <your command here> and my robot will fetch some information from and Wanna report an urgent issue? Send /wtf <problem> or /ftw <problem> (stands for "For The Workers"). And finally, wanna make sure that you're talking into a human, send /captcha. Why would you want to be a cyborg? At least in Telegram? And what does this actually mean to me? And why do I really care about it? I don't need to worry forgetting several things before answering your questions. They're already written in the (PHP, Python, and Java)script!I can finally multithread myself especially when it comes to reading and replying messages.And finally I can sleep(), 'cause automated messages saves my day! And additionally, with the power of Telegram bot API, I can secure and prevent myself to be added by others to spam groups (especially those fake investment groups), 'cause: I can prevent my registered phone number to leak accidentally into other unknown Telegram users,And of course, I'm a robot! (Many public Telegram groups, including Kotakode, forbid members to add bot accounts without admin's consent) Problems and Solutions But of course, there are some drawbacks of chatting with you guys on behalf of a bot/cyborg account: It's a little bit difficult to know about you, from the perspective of a bot account. You might set a different display name (e.g. "Alice" instead of your real "Eve") on Telegram which could confuse myself.Can't call (or join an ongoing call) through a bot account. This seems to be self-explanatory, while I'm happy if Telegram will soon add this functionality into bot accounts.I have to create a separate app/website just to chat with you. Unlike, you can't log in into Telegram as a bot, and Telegram doesn't store chat history for bot accounts. That means I have to create my own database to save your messages, too. And of course, I wouldn't be Reinhart without solving problems with algorithms. So, to work around with the limitiations: I'll encourage users to sign up for an account at before interacting with me as a cyborg. This will help me and my bots to know your preferences (preferred language, gender pronounciation, etc.), and create additional features on my cyborg account which require an additional level of security, e.g. by making sure that you're a committee of Event X and by sending OTP tokens from emails and apps such as Google Authenticator.I'm also considering to open-source my custom chatbot framework (note: it's not Ika) and web frontend used to operate my cyborg account. But please be aware that some modules (e.g. the ones which perform queries in an external database) will be proprietary and confidential. The Roadmap I already have @reinhart1010_bot which is currently being used by both Controld and Alterine to help TECHNO 2021: ERA committees to fix registration issues on Once after TECHNO 2021 is finished, I will start to reuse that username for the sake of this project. Then congratulations, I am officially a robot! And finally, do you have any names for that robotic entity? Well, it's a good time to spawn up the name of Sketchy. Many dictionaries define "sketchy" as something incomplete, unclear, unreliable or even unsafe! Nevertheless, he's just a normal bot trying hard to understand you. So, come on...
#KitaBerhasilTakedown grup penipuan Telegram palsu yang mengatasnamakan bank HSBC.
Pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2021, gw berhasil dapat informasi dari situs Aduan Konten bahwa salah satu laporan saya berhasil diterima. Ternyata, itu adalah sebuah grup investasi palsu di Telegram yang mengatasnamakan bank HSBC Indonesia. Dan tentunya, ini adalah beberapa screenshot yang sempat saya ambil dari grup ini. Aneh juga ya kenapa yang ngirim (seharusnya) bank HSBC tapi pakai mesin EDC dan struk milik BRI... Dan sekarang, grupnya sudah ditakedown dengan alasan pelanggaran Hak Cipta (DMCA), dan memang laporan DMCA merupakan salah satu laporan yang paling cepat diproses di Telegram. Jika saya melihat akun profil admin dan beberapa kontak 2 anggota grup yang saya simpan, saya melihat bahwa ketiga akun tersebut sudah berhenti beroperasi sejak 2 Juni 2021. Ya, yang penting grup ini sudah berhasil di-takedown. Tinggal 30 grup lainnya.